Eagle Huntress

I learned that in Asia they have something called an Eagle festival. At the Eagle festival people come to compete to try to get the eagle award. In the movie their is a little girl named Aisholpan. When Aisholpan was very young she would go up into the mountains with her dad and watch him and his eagle hunt. When Aisholpan was very young she wanted to hunt with eagles to. Many people did not think it was a good idea “no girls go hunting, they are supposed to stay back and prepare the meals” they all said. That did not stop Aisholpan from doing what she wanted. She started training with her dad and even capturing her own eagle. After her dad had trained her she went to the eagle festival with her dad she ended up winning. I think it was pretty cool how she wasn’t afraid and even tho people doubted her she still continued doing what she loved.

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