God at Work

In Bible class we have been learning about Paul. We learned that he was once a God hater but then was turned into a God lover. God was preparing Paul throughout his whole life and he didn’t even realize it. Some of the things was that he was very smart and he knew parts of the Bible. He also was a tent maker this would help him if he was on missions trip and needed someplace to rest on the way. Another thing is that he had the Roman soldiers on his side so that help him if he ever got into trouble.
God did many things in Paul’s life he has also been doing things in my life. I think that God has been giving me the right friends to hang around that are good Christians and will lead me in a deeper relationship with Him. I think one of the things that God could use in the future is my gift of knowing spanish. God has already given me the opportunity to use my spanish to tell people about God and be able to pray for them. When I went to Puerto Rico with my dad and a few other people from my church I got to talk to people and be able to understand them when the others couldn’t. I think that God will have me use my spanish in the future.