Pauls life

In this unit in Bible class, we have been studying Pual missionary journeys. Here are some ways that God worked in Pauls’s life, Pual had a very good education so he knew what he was talking about and what he was saying. He also spoke many languages and that could help him as he was going through his missionary journeys. Another thing about Paul is that he had Roaman citizenship. Paul also lived in a big city which gave him a lot of opportunities to share the gospel with the people that lived there. Paul was also a tent maker so on his journeys he could set up tents for himself. A talent that God has given me is that he has given me the ability to be very athletic. I don’t know how God is gonna use that in my life because I love sports but I hope he uses it for a good purpose. Another gift that God has given me is that I am very friendly and I love to be around people and I am very social. God can use that with me sharing the gospel with people and because I like to be social I can help guide my friends on the right path.


I studied the county Mali. During our PBL project, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about Mali. I learned a lot about Malis culture and how they live, some of the things about their culture are that they drink a lot of fruit drinks and like to wear colorful clothes. I also learned that Mali is the world’s 24th-largest country and Africa’s 8th-largest. There is a lot of Christian Persecution that happens there, including being killed, attacked, and kidnapped. Of the population only 2% of them are Christians. Something that I am proud of about our group’s exhibit is our website and how good of detail and how we made it look good. I am also proud of how much we did and how much work we got done.

Stoning of Stephen

  1. What did you do for the Stephen project (ie. newspaper, comic, song, etc.)?
  • For the project, me and a friend did a video. We acted out what happened and we also acted like we were on live tv so that we could make it as real as possible. We had me be Stephen and my friend was the people.
  1. What did you do well on the project?  (or what are you proud of and what do you want me to look at when I grade it?)
  • The thing I think I did well on the project was writing the script. I think we had a good outline that helped us while we were acting it out on the video. I think I also did a good job of staying on task and getting it done during class time.
  1. How do you think you would feel if you were really observing this event?
  • If I was actually observing this event I think I would be scared and feel really bad for Stephen. If I saw why he was getting that done for standing up for God I think it would probably be hard for me to stand up for God as well after I saw that happen, I think that because I would be scared that I would be hurt and killed for my faith. I would be scared because I would also not know what was going to happen to the people that were there watching it.
  1. Re-read Acts 7:57-58. How would you feel towards Saul?
  • I would feel really bad for him because he knew at that point that something bad was going to happen. It also said that he was a young man so I would be scared for him.
  1. What do you think encouraged these early Christians? In other words, why did the early Christians keep up the faith despite the persecution?
  • I think that Stephen did encourage the Christians. He stood up for God and was a really good example to them. They kept their faith because of all the believers and great followers.
  •  Stoning of Stpehen video link 


Hoy fuimos a la clace del señor J a los 11:00 y el nos dijo que el sompresa fue y nosotros ibamos a ir en grupos y presentar un tema nuestro tena fue dando a otros personas entonces Luke D. en mi grupo dio un perro a Greta en mi grupo entonces despues del almuerzo fuimos a pracicar por un poco de tiempo entonces algunos grupos presentaron y despues del proximo recero algunos mas presentaron despues de presentar nosotros regresamos al clace y estams haciendo esto. EL FIN!!!!!

Día del mercado- refleccion del Día del lanzamiento!

Nombre:Allison Lamer Empresa: Piggy baloncesto!!!!

¿Cómo crees que te fue en la presentación a los inversionistas? Resume tu presentación en 3 a 5 oraciones.
Yo creo que fue bien. Porque yo y mi grupo hicimos un buen trabajo tomando turnos en los pajinas. Y creo que hicimos bueno porque practicamos y sí to prácticas haces mejor.

Reflecciona en tu presentación. ¿Crees que estabas preparado/preparada? ¿Por que si o porque no?
Yo creo que nosotros fuimos preparados porque practicamos.

¿Si podrías hacer tu refleccion de nuevo, qué harías diferente?
Qué no hay el cosa del persona que tiene dinero en el pajina de finanzas y que en el última página no hay el cosa que dijo muchos gracias porque fue muy brillante y me distrajo.

¿Qué parte del día del mercado te emociona más?
Cuando vamos a vender nuestros productos y cuando vamos a hacer nuestros productos porque nuestro en un poco divertido para hacer.

¿Qué crees que serán los retos más grandes mientras te preparas para el Día del mercado?
Cuando necesitamos comprar las cosas para el producto porque es difícil dividir el trabajo.