math carnival game

What we did the last 2 weeks in math was work on a carnival game that could connect with probability. We went in groups and decided on a game. We ended up doing a cup game with candy as a prize!

Honestly, I didn’t really get this unit on probability. the first few days were really confusing but I slowly got part of it. I learned That we had to Get all the possibilities out of our carnival game and multiply it by the chances we would win.

I think if I did this on regular math I would get really confused and frustrated. I am glad we did this as a carnival game because I could understand better and know we we used it for. Photo on 3-20-15 at 11.22 AM

European Union

We went to different countries to get bumper stickers for our car. We gave them our passports, and then they handed us money to buy what we needed. My group had United Kingdom as our country. Since it wasn’t in the middle, where everybody went, nobody went to our country.