Andrew Van Wolde

Just another Zeeland Christian School Sites site

Andrew Van Wolde


May 1, 2014 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Our volcano is an explosive composite volcano. It is in the shape of a cone and has many things like cinders and bombs, ash, and pyroclastic flow.

Inline image 1



Persecution of Christians

April 1, 2014 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I learned that the more people are persecuted the more they grow. In Syria there is a civil war going on and the rebels are the ones who persecute the Christians the most. They kill, rape, rob, mug, and burn peoples houses. I also learned that not all of the stories are bad ones. Many people have been sick and been healed, and because of it they become Christians or grow in there faith.

I can help these people first of all by praying every day. For them to be healthy and have food, water and shelter, ect. I can also donate money to help buy and smuggle Bibles into there countries.  I can write letters to there government asking them to let Christians out of prison or to not kill them. Also I can go to help them in there country live with them, experience all of the same things they do.


The Duel

March 11, 2014 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Alexander Hamilton was born on a Caribbean Island named Nevis in 1757. He was the son of a jobless Scotsman and a shifty French woman. His father left when he was 10 and four years later his mom died. He made his living on slavery even though he thought it was wrong. He was great at math and finance. He went to college in America and fought in the army in the revolutionary war. He was one of the aids to George Washington. He had a very dark view of life and the thing in it. He moved to New York after the war. He helped implement the system of checks and balances. He wanted to ruin Burrs career.


Aaron Burr moved to New York after the war. He wanted to have power, one of his mottos was “Great men have little use for small morals.” He would often go one hunting trips alone. He liked the idea of women rights so much that he made sure that his daughter had all of the same advantages as men. He was great politician. One of his strategies was to avoid all of the controversial issues so that he wouldn’t make many enemies. He ran for governor of New York but lost because of Alexander Hamilton.


The Duel was fought on the New Jersey shore on the morning of July 11 1804. After the guns were loading they went 20 steps apart and had three seconds to shoot. According to Alexander Hamilton’s second, he shot into the air instead of a Burr, but according to Burr’s second he shot at Burr and missed. Burr then shot Hamilton in the gut. Afterwords Aaron Burr went home and ate a good breakfast. Then he wrote the doctor about Hamilton’s condition. Hamilton died 10 days later.


I think Aaron Burr should have missed on purpose because Hamilton missed first I also think that it was stupid for Alexander Hamilton to leave his life in Burr’s hands. Burr should have missed also, even though they were enemies it is wrong to kill someone.



February 21, 2014 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I like the hobbit song.


Greece vs. Galloway

November 21, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

The case of Greece vs. Galloway is the most resent case about the separation of church and state, and what the limit is. The town of Greece prayed before the town meetings. The prayer was given by a Christian Chaplain almost every time and Susan Galloway thought that it violated the First Amendment by favoring one religion. First she complained to Greece, but when they didn’t change it, she sued them. It has gone through two courts, One siding with Greece, One with Galloway. It is now in the supreme court and is going on right now.

I side with Galloway  because Greece gave the town a religion when they had all of the prayers, by a Christian. Praying before a meeting violates the Constitution because the First Amendment says that the Government is not allowed to make any laws prohibiting religion. It also says that they are not allowed to establish or favor a religion, and by having the prayers given by only Christians they are saying that they favor Christianity, which is against the Constitution.



May 28, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

The head security guard changed a lot. In the beginning  he could barely look at the other white security guards, and it was evident throughout the movie that he didn’t like them. But then at the end when the game was done he was like hugging the other security guards.


Water Quality Boat Trip

May 23, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

What did you learn? I learned that there are a lot of invasive species. I learned that the Lakes are always changing from oligotrophic the mesotrophic to eutrophic.

Compare the 2 locations

The deep part of the Muskegon lake was in between mesotrophic and eutrophic while a different part of the same lake was more oligotrophic and mesotrophic.

My favorite educational part was when we looked at the animals in the microscope.


African Union

May 20, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

–What was your favorite part of our simulation? I liked how we were all given a country and had to go really in depth on that on country. Instead of all of us researching on all of the countries. I also liked how we were left alone as s group and told to do it by ourselves, not with a teacher walking us step by step.

–What was it like to negotiate with other countries? It was hard to negotiate with other countries because they might not even know what there country wants. It complicated things when we got caught on one issue when we should have talked about other ones. It was also hard to get two countries who have a different point of view to agree with you.
Purpose Qs:
–Why was this activity significant? It was significant because I thought that most countries were really undeveloped and not modern at all. For some of the countries that is true but not for a lot. We also learned about how a Union worked and how to participate in one. 
What now? Qs:
–How does this challenge you to live differently after experiencing this? It made me realize just how much my actions can effect other people. If one country did something then it could effect all of Africa. It also made me realize how small America is compared to other countries.


Los Planeta del Sistema Solar

May 15, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized



  1. Jupiter es gaseoso.
  2. Jupiter es Grand Mancha Rojo
  3. Jupiter es Enorme.
  4. Jupiter es Anillios.
  5. Jupiter es Sinco Planeta.



  1. Saturno es Anillos.
  2. Saturno es  Enorme
  3. Saturno es no hay agua.
  4. Saturno es Gaseoso.
  5. Saturno es Seis Planeta.



  1. Marte es Rojo.
  2. Marte es dos Luna.
  3. Marte es un luna es Fobos.
  4. Marte es no hay agua.
  5. Marte es quatro planeta.



  1. Tierra tiene gente.
  2. Tierra es agua.
  3. Tierra es rocoso.
  4. Tierra es un luna.
  5. Tierra es Tres planeta.


  1. Urano es Gaseoso
  2. Urano tiene anllios
  3. Urano es seite Planeta
  4. Urano es no hay agua
  5. Urano es no crateres



  1. pluton es Planets enano
  2. Pluton es frio
  3. Pluton es nueve planeta
  4. Pluton es no agua
  5. Pluton es no official planeta


  1. Sol es Enorme
  2. Sol es brilla
  3. Sol es estrelia
  4. Sol es no planeta
  5. Sol es muchos colores


  1. Luna es no agua
  2. Luna es muchas crateres
  3. Luna es Montanias
  4. Luna es luna de Tierra
  5. Luna es circleo de Teirra



April 12, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

This morning my impression of Africa was mainly stereotypical and was mostly about what others had told me. Before I knew that there was a high orphan rate, but not that it was 50% of the worlds orphan population. I also didn’t know just how diverse Africa was. The people that I think come from Africa are mainly black. It gave me a real perspective on how diverse Africa really is. It really suprised  me that so many of Africa’s population made less than i dollar a day. So many of the people in Africa have never stepped foot in a class room, let alone have been taught how to read. So few people have a sewer. In South Africa most people have internet, but in other places only one or two do.



March 15, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Alliteration Poem

Prancing Porky Pines 

This is a Prancing Porky Pine

It lives in prisons, ponds, prairies, and pizza parlors

A Prancing Porky Pine eats pancakes, prunes, pasta, and peaches

It likes pawing, peeing, praying and petting puppies

It plays with pandas, panthers, and parrots

He dislikes the smells of pork, petunias, and poop…PU 

Emotion Poem


Sorrow is the death of happy

It sounds like the crying of a baby

It tastes like the vomit in your mouth

It smells like a morgue

It looks like a coffin

It makes you want to cry in a corner


Dawdling, Inactive, Sluggish

Go faster or you’ll go fatish.




February 26, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

In science the last few days we have been doing a experiment with eggs. We put the eggs in vinegar so that the shell disolved and there was just the membrane left. Then when the shell was completely off we put our eggs in Pepsi and it turned the membrane brown, but the egg didn’t absorb any of it, just turned the membrane brown.


January 17, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized












































































Dia de Accion de Gracias

November 16, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

[podcast format=”video”][/podcast]


November 7, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Movie on 2012-11-01 at 11.27


October 10, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Donde esta el Hotel Colon?

Empiezas en la chancha de Hotel Cordoba. Sigue adelante un cuadros y dobla a la izquierda. Sigue adelante un cuadros y dobla a la izquierda. Sigue adelante dos cuadros y dobla a la derecha. Sigue adelante un cuadros y dobla a la izquierda. Has llegado al Hotel Colon.

Credito a GoogleMaps por el mapa



September 21, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Do not go on bad sites or games.

Not go on games in class. 

Don’t swear.

Don’t be a cyber bully.


Hello world!

September 19, 2012 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

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