Spending time with my dad was important because… Draft

Spending time with my dad was important because many people don’t know that spending time with your parents is important because they could pass away at anytime when you are not expecting it. God loves you so much that he can’t wait to see you in heaven.

Spending time with my dad was important because God has a specific time for you and it’s like you make specific days and times to drive there and drive back to do things and you are planning on doing it. God has a specific day for Jesus to come down to earth and live like a regular man and save for our sins again.

Spending time with my dad was important because God made you special in every way you couldn’t think of because he rules over everything land, sky, and sea and if you don’t think that he is the best then you where incorrect because he is the best. God will do anything you want just to see you in heaven and he is waiting and all the people you know will probably through you a surprise party and you won’t even know. God is the ruler out of all the rulers in the world.

Spending time with my dad was important because God has a time for you and that day could be tomorrow or any day when you are not expect ing it. “Therefore stay awake, for you do not know on what day your lord is coming. Matthew 24: 42  An alarm clock is very important, it can help you wake up in the morning so you won’t be late for school or work. God has a time for you and that day could tomorrow or any day when you are not expecting it.’

Spending with my dad was important because I realize that some of my dad and all the things that he did and made just for them. I feel the same way I miss my dad playing legos with me and he would make the best bread that we would eat roast at my grandma vellenga’s house and i would make the into a bread and mash potato and corn sandwich and it was so good!! Now my mom  makes it but it’s still  as good.


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