Cool Skills

Since Christmas we have been learning some cool skills. Here are some of them. In math we have been learning how to find the mean, mode, median, and range of a data set. The mean is all the numbers added up and divided by how many numbers there are in the data set. Mode is the number that shows up the most. To find median you have to organize the numbers in numerical order and then say there is 9 numbers in your data set, you would start at each end and count in until you find the middle number. That middle number is called the median. Range is the greatest value minus the least value in the data set. In art we have been learning how to burnish with colored pencils in a sketch of a hallway that we drew earlier. The first thing you have to do is find the colors you want to use and then you find a spot where you want to put them. So you lightly lay down one of the colors covering one third of your shape and then you take another color and color the opposite side of where you just did. Don’t cover the whole shape just cover another third of it. In the middle you start with your last color and go over both the other colors so you cover from side to side.

Also in Language Arts we have been learning how to do a subject-verb splits you can put in your sentences. The last couple of weeks Miss Liang has been doing a six sentence challenge. It’s a story that we had to made that had subject-verb splits. A subject-verb split is a sentence that is broken into 3 parts. The first part is your introduction, second is the person your talking about, third is the the verb. And that is what I have been learning in the past couple of weeks.


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