The echo

The past week have been working on how to get rid of the echo in Mrs. Van Byssum’s office. My group came up with an idea to put up acoustic wedges that people use in music studios. These wedges take the sound in and it dampens the sound. And once that is done then it projects the sound in different directions and at different times. We also decided to move the furniture around in the room. Mrs. an Byssum said that she liked the idea were when you walk in her room there is more space to walk around and your not just tripping over everything

What did I like about the project structure.

We had a group to work with and that helped a lot because they all had good ideas. We got to look around and measure things that we needed to measure in her room.

What I learned – People always have a ideas that might work and you can’t just shoot them down. Cause potentially that idea could work. People are smart and your ideas are not always better than yours.

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