Thematic Writing

Happy, Happy, Happy – Thematic Writing

Recently I finished a book called Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson. This book was about Phil and what it was like for him and his family. He talked about how in this decade, all the younger people have phones and they are always on them texting their thumbs off. He said that he doesn’t like to see them with their phones because when he was younger there was just a thing called mailing. These kids need to get out of the house away from all the technology that they have in their house and just spend time in God’s beautiful nature. Kids these days don’t take advantage of God’s wonderful creation that he made for us.

One conflict in this book was his family was not much money. This relates to our theme because they were selfless enough to make extra food for people who show up at their house before diner. They go out of their way to make food for people who don’t have food. They use their money, which is really scarce, to buy extra food for people. His family is very selfless which is what we need to have more of in this world.

Another conflict in this book is their are many family issues. One time Phil was going through a rough time and he started drinking and he never came home. Kay, his wife, was worried that he would never come home so she sent their pastor to go and talk to Phil and tell him he should stop drinking all this beer. He also said he should read the bible to help him get through this. After talking with the pastor and reading the bible, Phil went back to his family and apologized to his kids and his wife.

Kids these days don’t take advantage of God’s wonderful creation that he made for us. I really like this book because it tells us of some of his conflicts that he has and how he goes to the bible to help him through that. For example, Phil was not thinking right and he started drinking a lot and he never came home. So Kay, his wife, sent a pastor to talk to him and he told him to read the bible to help fix his problem. Overall the book was really great because it included some fun things that Phil and his family did but also it had some life lessons that we can learn from.


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