September 19

Three things To Pray For!

By Alyson Vikstrom


Dear God,

           Thank you for my family that love me and  protects  me.  I will love my parents back and try to obey them.

Thank you  for putting me in a family that understands who I am and who I supposed to be.I will try to understand them.

Thank you for mom and dad that think more want I need to survive then want they want. I promise I will think more of my kids then my stuff I want.


September 15

BOTR Truth#1

3 Goals  How I Want to Serve Others

by Alyson Vikstrom

I had a problem of treating other people the way they were treating me. If they were mean to me I’ve  been mean to them. And if they been kind to me I’ve been kind to them. But Jesus said” treat others as you want to be treated”. There was a mean kid on the play ground that I wanted to a friend of hers but she was maen to me but the next day I was playing tag and then the same girl that that was maen to me asked if she could play with me and she and I became friends!

This year Mr bouman  challenging me to love and serve others.last year I did not include people . But now I am working include people.I need to put others first I have to think of people that I do not include so I  can try to include people.