Camp Reflection Day
Tuesday March 18th 2014, 12:56 pm  Tagged
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Last Friday, we took some time to review what we learned at camp about us personally, us as a 7th grade, and what we learned about God. We had some verses to look up about Who am I, Who are we, and Who is He. After we read some of them, we wrote down what they meant to us and we drew a picture or symbol.

Who am I?

John 1: 12- “Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who have believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God.” Because I believe in Christ I am a child of God and that is a big part of the “Who am I” section that we focused on at camp. I also look at a chapter in Psalms that said that we are exactly who God wanted us to be and we are His. He created us how He wanted us, not who we wanted to be.

Who are We?

James 4:11- “Brothers and sister, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister and judges them, speaks against the law and judges it.” God created everyone exactly how they were supposed to be, so when we judge them we judge how God created someone. There are are many different personalities in 7th grade, so its easy to judge someone because of something different they do, or say.

Who is He?

In Matthew 6 it says that God provides everything that we need and that we should not worry about tomorrow. It doesn’t say that God provides what we want, it says God provides what we need. I like to know what is happening in the next few days, and usually I do, but God says not to worry about tomorrow and He will provide for us.

I think that Camp Reflection day was a lot of fun and it got me thinking about 7th grade camp and the important topics that we talked about there.

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