Christian Persecution in India
Wednesday April 01st 2015, 10:03 am  Tagged ,
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For the past few weeks in Bible class, we have been learning about and studying persecution in the world and in India. We learned about the culture in India and how hard it is for Christians to live there. It is really hard for people in India to be Christians because everything around them is […]

The Stoning of Stephen
Tuesday February 03rd 2015, 9:41 am  Tagged ,
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Stephen’s Stoning Today I was in the city and I realized how many people have become Christians and how many people are talking about Jesus’ life and how he is changing the world around us. There are people who talk about him and how he is changing the ways that Moses gave us a long […]

Bible Unit 2 Keynote
Tuesday November 13th 2012, 11:14 am  Tagged
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Descriptive Paragraph
Wednesday October 24th 2012, 9:28 am  Tagged , , , , ,
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Our assignment was to paint a word picture of a place. How did I do?               In Cody, Wyoming, there is an old cave, Jewel Cave. Down, down, down, we went in the slow elevator. The farther we went down, the colder it got. The doors slowly opened and […]

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