Archive | May 2014

Cell Model

Photo on 5-21-14 at 8.36 AMScreen Shot 2014-05-22 at 8.06.16 AM

In science class we made edible cells. My group and I made our cell out of cake, frosting, sprinkles, and different types of candy. We made a chart to help explain what food we used for a certain part of the cell.

The Lords Prayer

A phrase in the Lords prayer that I think is meaningful is “And lead us not into temptation.” I think this is meaningful, because we are asking God to help us when we tempted. We need God’s help to prevent us from doing something wrong. Everyone is a sinner, and we needed someone to guide us through something. That is what God does. He guides us through our struggles, and he tells us what to do when we are tempted. If we are listing, we will obey God’s words.