Archive | November 2014

Math, How Can We Use It In Real Life

A lesson that I learned in math is , 3-5. 3-5 is about finding the square roots of a number. Some examples of perfect squares are 1, 4, 9, 16, and 49. Their square roots are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. You can use square roots in real life, to figure out the length of a square. If you were building something and the area is 36, the lengths of the square has to be 6×6. You can use it for picture frames too. If you have a picture that has the area of 16, you will need a 4×4 picture frame. You can use square roots to figure out the length of something, if you know what the area is. You can use square roots when you are drawing a picture. If you picture has to be a certain length, but you know the area, you can buy the right length by finding the square root. Square roots are an easy way to find a length of a square.

Thoughts on Bowling

On Tuesday we had a bowling trip in the afternoon. My whole 8th grade class went bowling. We were all split up into groups of four or five, to bowl. We had normal class time in the morning, but in the afternoon, we went bowling. I had a great time. In my group we didn’t do bumpers, it was hard at first, but we all soon got the hang of it. It was nice going bowling, because whenever someone got a strike or spare, everyone else would congratulate them. Everyone would encourage each other, even if someone was having a hard time. We got to bowl two rounds, but we didn’t finish the second round. It was fun bowling, because everyone in my group were some of my closest friends. Some of us would bowl between other’s legs. One time a lot of the kids made a bridge from the step to the lane. The person bowling would run under the bridge the kids made. Then they would sit down and roll the ball into the bowling lane. Sometimes the bowling balls would get stuck in the gutters. I had a great time bowling on Tuesday.

Jesus’ Crucifixion

These are my thoughts about Jesus’ crucifixion and on his last seven words/phases. In bible class we are learning the seven words/phases that Jesus said, and what they mean to us. His words teach us different things we should be doing to help others and ourselves get closer to God. One of them tells us to have compassion on people; care for the needs of this life. It is teaching us that we need to care for the ones how are needy. Who don’t have very much. We need to care for the hungry and the sick. We need to be willing to care more about others needs instead of ours. When Jesus died, we was showing us that he cares more about us, than he does about himself. Jesus died to save our sins, not his. He was showing us compassion.

Math Word Problem

3-8 word problem and answer:

Noah and Jenna are taking a walk, and they both start at the same point. Noah walks 60 feet north, but Jenna walks 77 feet east. How far apart are Noah and Jenna?

In order to solve the problem you need to use a^2+b^2=c^2. You would have to use 60 for a and 77 for b. Then the problem would be 60^2+77^2=c^2. Next you would have to times 60 by 60 and 77 by 77, because you have to simplify the powers. You problem would be 3600+5929+c^2. You have to add 3600 and 5929. Your problem should look like 9529=c^2. Then you need to find the square root of 9529 in order to find the distance between Noah and Jenna. The square root of 9529 is 97.6. The distance between Noah and Jenna is about 97.6 feet.