Archive | April 2015

Science Volcano




In science class we made groups and each group got to make a volcano. My group and I decided to make a shield volcano, after the Mana Loa Volcano. We made our volcano out of homemade play-dough, pant, a plastic cup, a bottle cap, and used tape to label different parts of our volcano. We labeled the side vent, the main vent, the crater, the pyroclastic flow, aa lava, pahoehoe lava, the pipe, the magma chamber, the magma, the hot spring, and the lava flow.


Persecution Project, Indonesia


Over the last few weeks, my grade has been learning about Christian persecution in different countries. We were all assigned a country and first had to write a paper about the Christian persecution history, what Christian persecution is like in our country today, and then what can we do to help the Christians there. After writing the paper and doing a lot of research, on our country, we were split into groups and did a group project. We did a Christian persecution awareness day and invited people outside of our school to come. Above, is a picture of the poster my group and I had. It has different Christian persecution stories on it and information about the churches in Indonesia.