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Persecution Project, Indonesia


Over the last few weeks, my grade has been learning about Christian persecution in different countries. We were all assigned a country and first had to write a paper about the Christian persecution history, what Christian persecution is like in our country today, and then what can we do to help the Christians there. After writing the paper and doing a lot of research, on our country, we were split into groups and did a group project. We did a Christian persecution awareness day and invited people outside of our school to come. Above, is a picture of the poster my group and I had. It has different Christian persecution stories on it and information about the churches in Indonesia.

The Stoning of Stephen

Stephen Stoning Article
There were many widows that were being overlooked and the people brought seven men to the apostles. One of the men was Stephen, a man filled with the Holy Spirit. The apostles prayed over the men and sent them out into the world to take care of the needy and widows. The number of disciples grew and grew more and more. Stephen created many wonders and signs to the people. Some of the priest disagreed with Stephen and started to ague with him, but they couldn’t compete with the words of the Spirit that was said through Stephen. Instead they began to speak false words against Stephen like, “We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God”. It only took a little bit before the false words stirred up the people, the elders, and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him to the Sanhedrin. All the people sitting in the Sanhedrin looked closely at Stephen and saw a face of an angel. The high priest asked Stephen, “Are these charges true?” Stephen replied by going through scripture. He told the priest that Jesus was the Righteous One and the killed him. He told the priest that they were given the law through angels but have not obeyed it. Once the members of the Sanhedrin heard what Stephen said they were furious. Stephen was so full of the Holy Spirit that he looked up and saw heaven and Jesus sitting at the right hand of God the Father. He told everyone that he sees Jesus sitting at God’s right hand, but everyone covered their ears and yelled at the top of the lungs. Then they rushed out of the city, with Stephen in their arms and began to stone him. While the members were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit”. He fell to his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”. After he said those words he fell into eternal sleep.


Holy Spirit

 The Holy Spirit is God. It has the power and characteristics of God too. It is our comforter and our counselor to help us in our times of trouble. The Holy Spirit is a divine person with a mind, emotions, and a will. The decisions the Holy Spirit makes, come from his will. It knows everything and anything you do or think. The Holy Spirit helps us understand the bible. If there is a verse that we don’t understand, the Holy Spirit helps us understand it better. It helps us become stronger in our faith and trust in God, by testing our trust in it and in God. The Holy Spirit pushes us to go father out of our comfort zone to push our faith and trust.

The Holy Spirit makes us feel right from wrong. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts, but it does not use words. It guides our thoughts and feelings, without controlling us. The Holy Spirit wants us to follow God, not to turn away from God. The Holy Spirit affects our emotions towards different things in life. It affects the good and bad things, the ups and down days. It is always with us to help us when we are in need. If we are not sure what to do, it is there for our need. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are being obedient towards God. We are trusting God with all of our faith in his hands and we are willing to do what he tells us.

Jesus’ Crucifixion

These are my thoughts about Jesus’ crucifixion and on his last seven words/phases. In bible class we are learning the seven words/phases that Jesus said, and what they mean to us. His words teach us different things we should be doing to help others and ourselves get closer to God. One of them tells us to have compassion on people; care for the needs of this life. It is teaching us that we need to care for the ones how are needy. Who don’t have very much. We need to care for the hungry and the sick. We need to be willing to care more about others needs instead of ours. When Jesus died, we was showing us that he cares more about us, than he does about himself. Jesus died to save our sins, not his. He was showing us compassion.