Athens or Sparta

Life in…

By Bret Treffers

By stealing our needs and farming crops. But while running low on room to feed our people we conquer other cities.Our education is fighting to and protecting we were not allowed to go on to do more school once we were done we were done. If a baby was not appearing to be strong or healthy we will leave it to die on a hillside.Around here it is super easy we steal when we need something.  If we feel nervous about somebody attacking, we attack them or build a wall for protection.Our power was in the hands of a few people usually the most wealthy or the most important , and more important decisions were made by The Council of Elders.The Council of Elders is a group of men usually over the age of 60 that make the most important decisions. With slavery everywhere men and women are treated almost the same.But slaves here are free to speak but could not own any property.We live as Spartans.

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