Themes of The Old Testament


I think sometimes we doubt God. We don’t think he can help us with a problem or question.If we have questions or fears we must give them to God. God can help us out God is always there for us.There is nothing in this world that can make God love us more or less.We look at all the crime and conflict in the world asking God to take it away.

My visual is a tool box because it’s good when we are using it’s nice to have but when we are not using it it is just there. I see that as the conflict and doubt in the world while we are doing other things we don’t think about God. We don’t say I’m going to pray while you’re hanging out with friends or playing at game of football.

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God has made many famous promises. An example is that he said he will never flood the world again.He told Noah to build a boat, not just any boat a boat that would hold many people.He needed to get all the people and animals on this boat.When God makes promises he keeps them.When God calls us to do something we do it.I think there is a lot of temptations in this world it could be hard to respond to God. For my visual I did a glass of water because God flooded the earth destroying everything.God promised he would never flood the world again.This means to me God wants to restart without sin in the world he fight Satin everyday. This is my visual because it reminds me of the flood when I drink water.It also reminds me of how strong God is.


When Moses and Israel were at Mt.Sinai, Moses went to Mt.Sinai while Israel stayed and waited for him to return.Israel thought that Moses was taking longer and would not return.Aaron from Israel stood up and said take your jewelry and gold.Then they made a cafe and worshiped the cafe instead of God.Once God found out he was furious and wanted to destroy them.But them moses found out and stopped God from that. I was wondering why Israel didn’t trust moses to return from Mt.Sinai.My visual is a picture of the smoky mountains The smoky mountains remind me of Mt.Sinai.I took this image when I went to Tennessee over christmas break of 2015.





Some of God’s names are EI,Creator,yhwh and relational God.I Look at God as yhwh which means caring.I see God as yhwh because he is always caring and looking out for us.There’s nothing that can make God love us anymore than he already does.We are all equal in God’s eyes whether it’s people with disabilities or different color skin.An example of this is when God flooded the world he warned Noah to build a ark.My visual is a lighthouse because God is always watching out for us caring for us.


Symbol of the Lamb

God makes covenant to david and Jesus is the light.Jesus is the light in all the darkness in the world.Jesus is the flashlight in the night.I see darkness all around the world bigger things as like crimes but even smaller things such as bullying and gossiping.We must follow God to the right way otherwise we might fall short.God’s way isn’t always going to be easier there will be obstacles like there is in life.I took this picture of my our lamp at our cabin for my visual because jesus is the light in our darkness.He is the good in our bad.


Sent to Promised Land

We have to trust God and know he is there.Israel trusts God we shall not worship other idols.We have to trust God with our lives and know he is there.If we do not trust in God that does not mean he will not help us.If someone in our family is sick we must lift that person up to God and pray for them.We can’t just sit around and wait for God.I chose to take this picture because I think we have to pray more and things we are struggling with we should lift up to God not do them on our own.


Photo on 1-19-16 at 7.26 PM



God brings israel out of slavery in Egypt.We need to realize there are worse things going on around the world.Some people think they are having a bad day people are slaves and others are starving.People think that all the people in less developed countries are either poor or slaves which is not true.I have thought this for a while also i thought people who did not live in more developed countries were poor or slaves.I took this picture to represent people in need people who need more money to live.A lot of people don’t give money to these people for the reasons of they might be scamming or using that money to buy alcohol.

Photo on 1-19-16 at 7.30 PM


Conditional covenants are based on certain obligations like a agrement with 2 parties.Unconditional is a law or promise that can not be broken.When God said he will never flood the world again that was an unconditional covenant.God is there and will never lead our side.He is with the people that don’t believe in him.He loves everyone the same even some people who have made questionable choices. I choice this visual because when you get married you take vows which is a promise from one to another

Photo on 1-19-16 at 7.42 PM






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