How did the sale end up for your company? Bad in the begging and tords the end we sold out.

What do you think made your company successful or unsuccessful? We were smiling and having a good time.

How did you chose to advertise? Do you think it was successful? Why or why not? We advertised bye using a poster.

What would you have done differently during market day? Played music 

What was your job in your group? In what ways did you do your job well? In what ways could you improve? Marketing director  

What was good about working in a group? Having friends

What was challenging about working in a group? Letting every one have a turn 

What do you think was the biggest lesson you learned during market day? Pations 

What are 3 pieces of advice that you have for future market day entrepreneurs have fun, smile, work as a team 

Market Day – Pitch Reflection

I think we could have added the velcro,decoration,talk louder be more

pacific. Are pitch did not go so well and if we had added more stuff we would have had more offers we were happy that we got an offer of 35 dollar

every body said no except Frank it took place in the conference room at ZCS before confident after happy we were prepared to get an offer

if we did the pitch again we would of added decorations we barley had questions we would ask the same thing if they were are age we received 35 dollars we talked really quiet?