S.S Paragraph

As I lay awake thinking of what will happen tomorrow and thinking of what they will make us do. Everyday I am working 10 hours in a cramped whole 300 feet underground with no brake and no rest if i do end up taking time to rest I will get wipped. If I had enough money I would buy my way out of slavery and go into freedom. When I turned 6 and 7 I was home schooled and private teaching was higher fee. After I turned 18 I began military. All citizens had to attend and vote. We traded the things we made and made our own money. Where I lived all citizens participated in the government by voting on laws. We made a marketplace to make money from the things we made. The women were not allowed to choose there own husband. But the woman could live simple like men did. Some women had fewer rights than men. Most people who were poor only got to own one slave. Others during war if they were captured they would become slaves. The unluckiest slaves which is me would work down in the silver mines. The government became a democracy around 500 B.C.E. Every citizen had a choice to vote for different laws that the government made. But all the laws were approved by much larger group. This is how I live as an Athenian.


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