What’s up in 6th grade?

In 6th grade there is lots of subjects, but I want to focus in on math, math in 6th grade and up is not near like what it was in the past. For one you have a laptop witch all your math lessons are on, and you grade your OWN work and you work on it till it is all correct. Whitch in the past you kinda just pushed off the wrong problems and moved on. Not any more, Witch is good because you learn from your mistakes. Then you show it to Mr. butyen  (our math teacher) and he puts it on active grade ( a grading site) witch you can check and look at how you did on lessons and quizzes. It is much nicer haveing a laptop for math becuse you dont have to cart around all the lesson papers and all your work is in a spiral note book so it is all organized. You also have example videos by professers to help you if you run stuck on anything.