

Month: March 2016

Awesome Cupcakes part 2

dog cupcakes a cool!images

panda cupcakes from we bear bears!images-1

Garfield cupcakes!images-2

Packman cupcakes! images-3


In Science we puled a cement block on the asphalt and on the cement and grass and we took turns pulling 58307f44-872d-44c3-a307-0b97dfbf2774And we put marbles  to see the friction on the block and marbles 419a71e9-ad10-4434-a5b2-edb779a91f7e and we put dowels to see if it rolls on the cement  or the asphalt or the grass.4419973d-cbc5-4b66-bb05-7b798ce66491

Family Groups

In family groups we talked about people skins.

And we played a game on 6th 7th and 8th computers and it was fun



Cakes are AWESOME!!!

I like cakes because they have the chocolate in the middle and sprinkles!!


because cakes are Different and they are ice cram cake !!  imgresand the best cake of all is…imgres-1bye!

my awesome fairy tale


Once upon time, Cinderella and her mother and father lived in a house. Cinderella’s mother got sick and died, Cinderella’s Father didn’t died. Cinderella’s Father and her Ella and Bella are so mean. So one day Cinderella went outside and walked to town. Cinderella saw a baker that was making pies. Ella and Bella  followed her. Cinderella saw them and said, ”I can see you.” Cinderella went home and so did Ella and Bella. The next day  Ella and Bella said, “Father, Cinderella went to town and she didn’t get bread”. So the father said “Cinderella come down here.” So Cinderella did and Cinderella said, ”What do you want?” Father said, ”You didn’t get bread.”  Cinderella’s, Father said ”you go back to town and get bread“. Cinderella did. Ella said “I’m going to make a big mess in Cinderella’s room”.

Both of the Ella and Bella  agreed and when Cinderella got home. Cinderella said “who messed up my room.” Ella and Bella didn’t say anything. The next day Ella and Bella said” Cinderella we made a mess in your room.”  Cinderella got so mad and said.’’  I’m going to punch you.’’ And they ran and told Father.” Was furious and call.” Cinderella Cinderella come down here.” Cinderella came down stairs. And said.”  yes Father.” Father said.”  You were going the punch Ella Bella you don’t do that.” So for that you will work in the barn for a week Cinderella work in the barn for a week and it so bad and skinny. And after that Cinderella was worked for Ella and bella for a day.

One day Father got a note from the king. And Father said.”  girls come down here.”  And Father and girls girls look what the king send to us. It said.’’ The king invites us to dance in the castle.” And its tonight, so girls let’s get ready for the dance.  “Ok.” said.”Cinderella. Three- hours later “Ok.”  They said.”  Father let’s go, so Father got a carriage to take us to the castle. Look at the dress said Ella and Bella said.”  look at Cinderella and the prince dancing.’’  Cinderella glass slipper fell off. The next day the prince said.’’ The girl who I dance with. I need to know who she is and now. So  Ella and Bella  knew it was Cinderella, Ella and Bella didn’t tell Father, Bella had a good idea, Ella said.” Hey I know that look anywhere what’s your idea.” “ Ok.” “Ok.” I’ll tell you. Were go to break the glass slipper and replays it with a rubber slipper and it has to be polish. But we have it wait for the right time.  Cinderella and Father don’t see us. The next day it was time, the house was empty and Ella and Bella said ready ready socarefully, Ella got the glass slipper and Bella got the rubber slipper and switched it. A few days later, The prince came and said.” I need to know who the girl is that dance with.”  The prince came to Cinderella’s houses.  Cinderella didn’t know, The prince knock on the door, Cinderella open the door, And he said.” I need to know who the girl the I dance with.”  Cinderella had the glass slipper so she walked up stairs and got the glass slipper. And she put it on and said.” It feels weird and I can feel some little spikes on my feet. Wait it’s feels like rubber oh my it is rubber.” Cinderella was sure it was Ella and Bella. So Cinderella said.” Ella Bella come down here.” And they did Cinderella said.” did you break the glass slipper and replaced it with a rubber slipper.” yes said.” Ella. No said.” Bella.”  “Ok.” If you didn’t break It then did Father? yes said.” Ella and Bella. “Ok.” then it was Father Cinderella went to Father and said.”

Father why did you break the glass slipper and replaces it with a rubber slipper.” I didn’t said Father.” yes you did.” Cinderella said.” No I didn’t.”  Father said.” It was probably Ella and Bella you now they are always up to something.” Right but are you sure.”  yes said Father.” “Ok.” Cinderella said.” Two hours later Cinderella came to Ella’s and Bella’s room. And said.” both of  you replaces my glass slipper.” Yes we did it.’’ Cinderella told  the Prince. And the prince was mad and said.’’ You will be sent to jail for eternity no said.” Ella and Bella.” Yes for eternity!!!!!            

 And They Lived Happily Ever After                                              

Accept For Ella and Bella!!!  “get me out of here!”            




The Kingdom Connection!!!!

For the Connection we praised and my mom and my grandma  and grandpa came not for the praised but for the reel thing and the big back screen it was Awesome!!! And at the end of the Kingdom Connection the actors bowed and then we bowed.  

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