I chose the theme a savior, the people could not keep the covenant so God offered a new covenant.  The new covenant would be written on their heats and not written on stone tablets.  Jeremiah gave them a new covenant that did not have conditions. I chose Noah in the ark because God saved them in the ark with all the animals. God promises not to flood the who earth ever again and because we have a rainbow that God will keep his promise. This theme means to me that God makes promises and he keeps them and we should keep promises that we make to people.




I chose the theme symbol of a lamp, God promised that through David the lamp would never go out.  For my picture, I chose a lamp, because even when its dark out a lamp still shines and Jesus in the Lamp that shines in the darkness. The Lamp is what Jesus disciples followed Jesus everywhere because he was light of there lives. David was a man after God’s own heart even though he made many mistakes. David leads people to Jesus who is the ultimate light of the world that will keep them safe. God is the symbol of a lamp he is the light of the wolrd.





I chose the theme of slavery and salvation, Joseph’s brother sold him into slavery because they got jealous of him. Joseph’s brother lied and said that he got killed by a wolf.  For my picture, I did Joseph and his brother that our bowing down to him because his brother wants to go to jail instead of Ben for having the golden cup on their bag. The picture means that even though the brother is begging they still want their brother to live a good life and his brothers are risking it all for him. God wants us to forgive people they are rude to you.





I chose the theme conflict and doubt, Israel struggle with God at times.  God knows what we were doing to doubt him sometimes, and questions what he does.  And these things do not make us a bad Christian. For my picture, I did Israel in the wildness doubting God because they didn’t know what was going o happen next. Sometimes I doubted God in my life before but then I realized why would I doubt God of everything he has done he made the earth. God made us because he wants us to know about him.

Image result for israel doubting God

I chose the theme Call, God asks Abraham Issac and Jacob to follow his call to a different land. And God promises that will become a great nation.  God calls my church if we have a mission trip. For my picture I did God calling us out and that we should answer his calls because we never know what he is going to say. God still calls us today, we should read the bible and love him. The theme means to me that God will call me at a random time and I have no clue what will happen next. God will sometime call me through the bible and what I read





I chose the theme something is rotten, Israel had one lousy king after another. Israel did not have the best kings, and some of the king mad bad decisions.  God will put you somewhere to make you different using your gifts and talents and to make good decisions. For my picture I did a rotten tomato witch sometime people may be rotten in their benefit of God. They don’t know what to think and they rotten but if they believe they will be a healthy tomato, not a rotten one. God wants us to be healthy and not a rotten tomato




I chose the theme slide to destruction, a northern kingdom not one decent king problem with Baal. Kings focused on power and popularity, not with God’s law. For my picture, I did a guy slipping because it’s easy to slip into temptation and wander off the wrong way. God does not want us to slip or go the wrong way because he cares about us and what we do. We should make sure that we don’t slip and go the wrong way and then have a hard time getting back up. We should worship God and not go the wrong way.




I chose the theme Sinai Law, 10 commands are a covenant with God. God gave us a command to be his people and to praise him. Something can take was away for God is sports, video games, pets, phones, and computers can take are time away for God. We should make sure that we make time for God. For my Picture, I did Moses hold up the 10 commandments to God. God does not want us to worship the wrong thing in our life. He gave us the 10 commandments to follow and to respect them and the rules that he put on them.