

Author: chloew25 (page 1 of 5)


My group was reasonable for China. We had to study China to know all about China’s persecution.  People are not allowed to have a religion; they are not supposed to be in any religious groups either.The population in China is 1,424,548,000 and out of those, 44,000,,000 are Christians. Churches are being monitored and closed down, whether they are independent or part of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, the officially sanctioned Protestant church in China. They have other laws such as the ban on the online sale of Bibles. I’m proud of the Kahoot that I and my group made, I think it is very good. 


This year in 8th grade I have enjoyed seeing all my friends. I glad that school is normal and not online because of COVID-19. In Class, I got to learn more about being a leader. I learned more about people with a brown bag that I didn’t know about them. I’m looking forward to the blackout at school at like 10pm because that’s gonna be really fun. Im also looking forward to the Wolf Log in may because that’s gonna be awesome.


  1. Part I of your Blog Post:  I would freeze when I was in Africa and we saw the animals is was awesome and the best moment i would freeze that. 


  1. Part II of your Blog Post:  God comfort me when I’m praying because I know he with me and God can also talk to me throughout the day.


 Did God speak to you clearly this week when choosing the possible theme? If so, describe what that was like. If you did not hear God’s voice, how did that make you feel? Did the Zoom on Tuesday make sense to you? Do you have any suggestions for the 8th-grade teachers on finding the theme during distance learning? Do you have any questions for the 8th-grade teachers?

Yes I did. I just talked to God.  Yeah the zoom kinda made sense to me.


Describe one gift or talent that you have that you could use to lead ZCS next year? Where and when could that gift be used at ZCS? For example, you might say that you like to organize so you could help Mr. Commeret organize the Lost and Found. You would do this by…

I am funny and I got a good taste in music. Im not very organized.



I chose the story of the burning bush. I like the story in the bible because God can just come out of nowhere. God was just talking to Moses out of a bush. Sometimes God can just come out of nowhere and helo you with life and lead u on the right path. God came out of the bush to tell Moses to order Pharaoh to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. And Moses did what God had said. Moses took off his shoes when he was talking to God because he was on God’s holy ground. I like this story because God is where and he and just pop up at ties just to talk to you.

What did you learn or think about the most this week from our theme “The Psalms teach us to sing praise to God.”

I learn the God is always there. And when we sing to him God can always here us and he is happy.

Was there a phrase from a Psalm that stood out? What praise do you sing to God right now?

The phrase that stood out was psalm 8:1. It is a really good verve and it tells us that we should give glory to the heaves. And praise is that we should thank God for everything.

Tell a story about a time that was difficult this week. What happened? Were there things that comforted you at all?

This week wasn’t really difficult but like the kinda hard part was waking up early so I could do my homework was kinda hard to do. I normally wake up around 11:00 or 11:30 but know I gotta wake up at like 8:00am. Some things that comforted me was my bed my room and my dog. I and my dog just chill o the couch for part of the day. I and my mom and my brother we talk are dog penny on a walk every other day because she likes to be outside.

Tell a story about something this week that you were proud of. What happened? Who was a part of making it happen?

This week my proud of turning in my school work on time. I have been doing good on turning my work time and not being late with stuff. Who was part of it was my mom she helped me with stuff. My week has been pretty boring. This week kinda felt short but like a long week at some time.

What verse(s) stood out to you? Why?

The verses that stood out were psalm 46 because God is our refuge and strength and he will save us.

What image do you see when you think of that verse? 

I imagine God up in heaven and talking to us and saying be still.

What “artistic position” would you draw for this Psalm? 

I would draw God up in heaven and talking to his angle and also talking to us.

What could you connect from your life with that Psalm (could be before covid19 or after it)? What do you notice about God in this Psalm?

I have noticed that us being still and staying home is kinda like God doing his work on people that are sick and wanting them to be still and stay at home and get rest.

How does this Psalm talk about listening to God?

This psalm is saying kinda that like I gotta be still and just listen to God and trust him.

Describe a time or times when you were kind since we shifted to online learning. Describe a time when someone has been kind to you since we shifted to online learning.

I have been kind we I had to help my mom but I did more work then I was told to but she was really happy at the work that I did. And I have been kind to my brother and letting him play o my Xbox. My brother has been nice to me and doing some work the I was told to do. He also helps me with making dinner. My brother let me go on the canoe on the pond at my grandma’s house. Me and my brother did yard work and I helped him with his work and he helped me with some of my work.


 Describe the activities that you are doing to help pass the time once your homework is finished. Possible examples-bike riding, painting, board games, puzzles, texting friends…

I have been walking my dog with my mom and Seth and Levi. And my dog is super fat so she can run but she gets tired kinda quick. I have been texting my friends and I have been texting my cousin the most. I was on a walk with my daily and she saw a bike for a sail so we got a free bike the bike is kinda bad. But I have mostly been really bored because I can’t go outside and hang out with friends.

1. How have you experienced God lately? How are you praying to see God’s presence in the world?

I have been pray to God about, the COVID 19. I have experienced God in the weather because it’s really nice out.I have seen God in the sunset because there is a lot of colors.  I have seen God with the flowers because there starting to come up. I’ve been praying to God for all the people that are sick.


Describe a time when you were playing outside since the “Stay at Home” went into effect. What did you do? What was the weather like? How did the outside time make you feel?

I was outside with my friends and we play capture the flag and it was girls vs boys. It was a lot of fun and we play some other games. And then we played jump the river with a jump rope it was lot of fun. And we go on a bike ride, it is a lot of fun.  Then we play some basketball outside.

Describe one highlight and one “low-light”

Low- light is that some stuff that we get from homework I was that I was in school. A low-light is that I really bored at home because there nothing to do.  A highlight is that I facetime with my cousin and its a lot of fun. Another highlight is that I get to sleep in and its really nice.  A low-light is that my sleep schedule is messed up.

This week was good the first and the second day were fun and then I just get bored.  I didn’t really do a lot this week I played outside. This week was pretty boarding because I can’t go downtown or to stores. But it’s not that bad because I just played outside a lot. On Wednesday went we got me homework I hand to work up an 8:00am and that was really early for me. Each day of this week for me was good I woke up and ate breakfast and then played games on my phone and go outside. on Tuesday I woke up and ate breakfast and then I playing outside most of the day. I playing soccer with my friend outside and then we went on a bike ride. On Wednesday I did my homework with was easy and it was kinda boarding. Thursday was boarding because there was nothing to do and I just stay home all day and was super bored. My highlight of this week was playing outside, biking,  playing ball tag that was pretty fun. And one of my challenges was doing homework because of some stuff hard to do. And i want my teachers to know that the zoom thing that we did with are homeroom was pretty fun.



John Lewis by Chloe


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