In the past few weeks we have been working on the What if Design Innovation project. We are 6th grade from Zeeland Christian school. We have been asked by the city of Zeeland to Design a gathering please on the corner of Elm and Main St. It was some work to brainstorm ideas. We did this technique called a cluster. We would put them in a clusters by witch category they go. Then we would pick some like one or two then we would research them. Then when we finished the research, we did a keynote about the information. Then after every group went we moved on to quantitative, qualitative, and Secondary research. So that most of what we are learning.
Over the whole process I have learned More about my self and more about other people. I have learned that working together dose work, and you can accomplish more things that way. Like you can get things done more quickly. But it dose not always work, there is a lot of communicating, and sometimes frustration. But you know sometimes it is not all that fun working together. But sometimes it is fun working together. This project was a fun experience. I learned a lot more about designing. I never thought that at times is can be a big hazel. Sometimes stuff dose not go as the way you planed. I had to experience that kind of thing. Then after all the process we made a scale model of the park. Then the three classes had to pick, the beat presentation to present, to Mr.Klunder Mrs.Deroo. One of the groups that presented was me. So there was only three groups that presented. Something I will always remember is that I learned a lot.