Please answer these on your blog.

Respond to the following…
–What was your favorite part of our simulation? The part where we had to like defend our country.
–What did you learn? Well I learned a lot about my country and as well a lot of other countries that I had no clue about. I was a fun thing.
–What was the hardest part? Well I think the hardest part was when we had to do a lot of research. To me that was hard.
–How did your opinion/perspective on African change through this process? Well I was in a group and we all had one opinion and I think it helped a lot to me it did.
–What was it like to negotiate with other countries? Well I think it was hard for the most part because others countries sometimes don’t agree with you.
Purpose Qs:
–Why was this activity significant? Well we learned a lot.
–What did you learn about yourself? That I can do a lot of things.
–What did you learn about other people, either in your classroom or internationally? Well we can have great discussions.
What now? Qs:
–How does this challenge you to live differently after experiencing this?
–How does this challenge you to interact differently with other people?
–What is your role in the international community?
–How do you now feel challenged to act?
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