Theme Writing 

They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voices goes out into all the earth, theirs words to the end of the world. Psalms 19:3-4 


This year as an 8th grader I am going to take the verse very seriously. I am going to use this theme that we have chosen at the 8th grade leadership camp. Being an 8th grader to me is leading the whole school and leading the whole school can mean lots of responsibility. This year as 8th graders we had to choose a verse and a theme for the whole entire school that theme is Shout Silently. 

As an 8th grader I can use this theme by setting an example to the others that will come for the years to come.  Couple of my goal that I would like to achieve is that I want to grow more spiritually with God, and I want to just be a good leader to this school. Another goal that I had is to, learn and achieve different things in school. I want to achieve being a good leader. Because good leadership will impact a lot of different students.

In the world, I can use this theme by What a Christian means to me is that we can live for God and that we can worship God without persecution. That Jesus died for us so that we can have eternal life with him in heaven. That being a Christian means a lot to me because Jesus and God are just everything and to know that they have their hand around you at all times. That its nice to have someone to talk to when you have times of trouble.

This year as 8th graders we had to choose a verse and a theme for the whole entire school that theme is Shout Silently. I think we picked a great theme, that is challenging at sometimes. Because there is times when its easy. Then there are times when its supper hard.   But I think this is the one that stands out the most. I think it might impact someone from your actions that speak.

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