The Holy Spirit is like a voice in my head that tell me from right and wrong and he guide me into the right place. He is someone that is there for me ever step of the way no matter what, He is there no matter the place he is always going to be there. Even when you think you can take things into your hands you cant and thats what the Holy Spirit is for He is there to make sure you are to help you. He is there to support you when you have bad times and simply think you cant. But He is there for every purpose that you can think about. He is there to simply guide you when you have feel off your path, He and the Power God and Jesus all work together to put you on track so that you can get right back up and begin your journey again.

Where have I seen the Holy Spirit at work in my life was when we were in the proses of adoption that is where I could sense that the Holy Spirit was there because it was a long proses and it was probably over a maybe 2 years and I could just feel the Holy Spirit there with us maybe telling us it that it was ok. I think that it was really awesome that I could just feel the Holy Spirit in our possession. That was the best time that I can think of was when I could feel the percents of the Holy Spirit.

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