la provedencia de dios

la provedencia de dios es cuando veo lo que el ha hecho o me a dado y lo que a provido en el mundo y para yo

ejemplo#1 el proveyo un nuevo esposo para rut

ejemplo#2 el me dio un gran familia y 2 hermanos y hermanas de ethiopia

ejemplo#3 el me dio familia  christiano

ejemplo#4 el me dio comida

ejemplo#5 el dio los espigas de rut

ejemplo#6 el me dio el chance de ir a un escuela christiano

ejemplo#7 me dio dinero

ejemplo#8 el ayudo a noe hacer el arca

ellis island


my name is jerome

there i was in the boat heading to the us are life in europe was not that pleasant we lived in the most poor village in all of hungary my family and i decided to come to america for a better life.where hopefully my dad could get a job that paid a lot the trip has only been about 9 days but it seems like it has been forever i really can not wait to get to the us. we are here!!!!wakeup said my dad we had finally made it  we got of the boat along with lots and lots of people there were lots of people helping and telling us where to go they took us in to the registration room they asked a lot of questions to my parents but not that many to me we had to answer a lot of questions and we walk along way and up stairs and some people were sick and they had to stay there but we were not sick and made it through and had a great life.

orphan trains

orphan train

the orphan train movement a supervised welfare program that transported orphaned and homeless children from crowded cities in the east to foster homes located in the midwest and west the orphan trains operated from 1853 to 1929 relocating about 250,000 orphaned,homeless,abandoned children

el mejor sabado


primero él viernes antes yo tendría un pijamada con kevin durant,trey burke,reggie miller,allen iverson y cam newton y miguel cabrera y al siguiente dia por la mañana tendríamos 100 pancakes y hash browns y todos juntos ir a craigs cruisers y también crazy bounce y comeriamos en bufalo wild wings por todo él resto del diaiverson

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