God at Work

God prepared Paul for a life of ministry. God had a specific plan for him as well. He used many things from Paul’s past and used them in his future of preaching. For example, Paul had Jewish and Roman citizenship which gave him the advantage of being welcomed by the Jews and respected and somewhat feared by Romans. His Roman citizenship also gave him special privileges in the empire. For example, Roman citizens were allowed trials for their wrongdoings. Another way God used Pauls past to help spread the word of Jesus was that Paul was very smart and he knew many languages. He also had was raised as a Pharisee which meant he knew scripture. God set everything up for Paul’s future and he didn’t even know it.

I believe God is preparing me. For what, I have no clue. I just believe he will use me in a way that benefits me and him. God might use me to help communicate with others and help them understand the gospel better. Many people have told me that I am a very understanding person and I understand things most people my age don’t understand.

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