© 2014 Chris M

Picture Book

Photo-on-2-24-14-at-10.03-AM-1ejdywm-e1393254399233-1024x682During the past couple months, my class and I have been making picture books. We figured out our main idea on our own but for the other details, we went to a first grade class room to survey them on what they would want in the book. We used these surveys to help us make our books. We spent months working on these books until we finally finished. My book was about a kid who wanted to play basketball and he played on a real team for the first. After we finished, we went to another first grade class room to read our books to them. We had them take a mini survey on what they thought about our book. Now we are blogging about what our picture book process was like. It isn’t an easy process but we got done, FINALLY!

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