Immigration day

Coby Nyland
7X #16

Immigration day
My immigration day was a very good experience because I got learn a lot about other people’s experiences of migrating and some of the stories about how they got here, and also just some of the stories about their childhood and how it was like for them before they moved to America. A story that really impacted me this story about a guy named peter, he is from Canada. Before he was in Canada he immigrated from the Netherlands to Canada then from Canada to America. When he was in Canada he went to college at a Christian college, but he didn’t really agree with some of the teachings in the school so looked for schools in America. He narrowed it down with 2 colleges Dordt college in Iowa, or Calvin college in Michigan and he picked Dordt in Iowa. He said he picked that school because he heard it was like Canada. What he meant by that is he said Canada is a lot more relaxed then America. So he went to Dort and get his diploma for computer tech or something like that and got married and moved to West Michigan.
This experience was important to me because It help me understand that there is more of this world then West Michigan or the United States. What I mean by that is their is more culture, and more food, and more experiences than just West Michigan.
This experience changed my perspective on how hard it is to get to America and how much you have to sacrifice sometimes to get here. It also changed my perspective on what people have to go through to get to America. Like Peter he gave up his family and friends and Canada to come to America and finish college and get a good job and rase and family. This experience expanded my perspective on how it is other countries. Like I interviewed Mrs. Hildebrand and she said when she was in school in Hong Kong it wasn’t about learning it was about memorizing things she said after school everyday you would go home, do homework, eat super, do more homework, and go to bed. She said she laughs at us when we say we have too much homework. So overall this was a great day and I wish I could do it again and here more people