social studies

i  coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomaaaaaaaaaaaaandeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed 500 men and 11 ships to go to mexico and a genral told us no but we ingnored him and set sail to mexico and when we got there me and a coulple of the other natives used deadly foreses to concure mexico

by cade overweg

reaserch on internet

1. I learnd how to use the way back machine.

2 I learnd how to define .

3. Makesure it is a safe website and that every thing is true.

4. Makesure it is real and not made up.

5. I learend when i go on a website i need to make sure it is not fake imforemation.


sports iilistraded i like it because it talks about sports and perdictions of sports teams and about players and it has lots of pictruse that i like to look at so that is why i like sports iilistraded

sports ilistraded kids i like sports iillistraded kids because it also has a lot of pictruse and it has sports cards of peapole of all sports and it comes with  posters of peapole of all sports and they are fun to look at that is why i like sports iillistraded kids

sports books  i like sports books becase i like a lot of sports like baseball football and basketball and i like to look at the pictruse and all the artaculs of players and i like to look at sports posters and take them out and hang them up on my walls and i like the sports cards and rip them out and look at them

and i also like to search like detroit tigers or deatroit lions because that has arucules and pictruse and things about every player