chloe's blog

my school stuff

The French and Indian War


The french attaked and drove off the verginian soldiars and bilt a larger fort on that site. They named the fort, Fort Duquesne.Sence they did not know about the attak, governor Dinwiddie decided to send George Washington to the area to get the virginian fort back.

In april 1754 George Washington left for the region with a gruop of 150 soldiars.Along the way they surprized a small gruop of french soldiars with an attak.They where afraid there where more french soldiars neerby so they built a small fort and calld it fort nacessity.

A few days later a large force of french soldiars and some native amarican allies attakd fort nacessity. Washington and his men where vary outnumberd and where forced to surrender. It was the first battle of the French and Indian War.

1.sence the French where friends with the indians the britesh wanted to as well.
2. Ben franklin made posters that said JOIN or DIE.
3. The French and indians foght together as a team.

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