chloe's blog

my school stuff

Archive for February, 2015

El libro que lei


El timo es un libro muy bueno, es sobre un chico llamado Griffin Bing y tarjeta de baseball famoso de Babe Ruth. Griffin Bing vendió su carta a Timoteo S. Wendel quien le dio casi nada de dinero solo para encontrar el valor la carta era actualmente 1,0000 dólares o mas! Timoteo sabe que el […]

One point perspective


We are currently learning to draw in one point perspective, We are still in the process but I have already learned so much, Such as that if you rely want something you can get it if you believe you can. Art is a important thing to me because it is something I enjoy doing along […]

I am Malala


    In culture we are currently reading the book “I am Malala” and I found out many  things that I did not know about that part of the world as well as  the people, and more specifically the girls fighting for their  education. I learned that girls in Pakistan just as old as 11 […]

Proyecto De Biblia


  COMO DEBEMOS ORAR ¿COMO MOSTRAR AMOR Y DEVOCION A DIOS?     LA METAFORA DE HOY DIA (Que es Jesus hoy dia) Jesus es un maestro porque el nos enseña muchas cosas. Como, ser fiel y enseñar a otros sobre el. El nos ayuda cuando no sabemos en que direccion ir para llegar a […]

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