chloe's blog

my school stuff

Themes Of The Old Testament




I chose this picture because my parents had to choose my name and used a chart like this, this was a reminder of our lesson.


Conflict and Doubt


I chose this picture because when you are sick or in pain there can be a lot of conflict and doubt.




I chose this symbol for covenant because covenant is a promise. 




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I chose this picture because it was my brothers Birthday and we where going to Michigan’s Adventure but that same day I got two odd bug bites so we went into urgent care and they said I could not swim for a whole week so we did not go to Michigan’s Adventure (my brother was mad) but we checked the news and saw that the day we where going to go there was a major chlorine spill and 50 people ended up in the hospital.  God made things happen to protect us.

Sinai law


I chose the symbol of a seat belt because sometimes we do things that we don’t like for our own good like a seatbelt, life jacket, or shots evan though we don’t like it. It keeps us safe Just like Gods commandments. 

Sent to the promised land


Choose this day… We must choose the right thing to do. I chose this picture of a Sunday night service at my church. Should we go? yes choose who and what to fallow. 

Salute to a King


I chose this picture to represent Israel’s cycle of sin.  

Symbol of a Lamp


This picture represents the promise God gave to David’s Line he promised that his lamp would never go out and a savior would come from his family.

Something is Rotten


I chose This picture because soccer is something I put a lot of time and money into. Evan though we love to do something or want something so much we have to remember to put God first. 

Slide to Destruction 


You must Listen to the Prophets God puts in YOUR life… For me the leaders a Cran-Hill-Ranch made an impact in my life. 

A Savior


Jesus is our savior through him we are saved.



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