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Day #3 of bridge project


We started building the actual bridge today and its going pretty well. We are probably going to get this done soon and have many toothpicks to spare.

Day #2 of bridge project


We have the base almost done, it is layered with toothpicks for extra support. tomorrow we are ready to start actually building the bridge.

Day #1 of bridge project


    We got part of the base built, the sides are being covered in multiple layers of toothpicks for the strongest support. One of our group members (christian) managed to blow all the toothpicks off the table.

God at Work


God helped prepare Paul through his whole life. Paul may have been a persecutor of christians but he had many life expiriances that helped him be a great apostle. He had a Roman and Jewish citizenship so he could preach to many people around the world. He was also a tent maker and could pass […]



Christian persecution   Christian persecution is a major issue is so many countries. It spreads through counties like a plague and rips apart families leaving some completely dead. I think that this problem needs to stop, why can other religions worship freely and not Christianity? Christians have been persecuted in the past and are being […]

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This is our volcano project. The volcano that we chose was volcano Cotopaxi, it is one of the tallest  volcanoes in the world that our active. The 10 things we chose to include are bombs, ash, cinder, vent, side vent, pipe, magma, magma chamber, lava flow, creator. And because we had some extra time we […]

Christian Persecution in India


This month we did a Christian Persecution project. We got to learn about the country India. It is currently number 15 on the world watch list for persecution. We learned about many people and how Christians are persecuted. The screen shot above is of our video.

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L.A Mystery


Chloe Vanderveen Mrs. Roskamp LA, 8A 17 February 2017   It all started outside the general store on main street. A man in a hooded mask walked into the store, he had no money but he was suspiciously looking at the glass cases that had just come in, the cases where holding rare jewelry that […]



    We where studying right triangles and had to create a word problem and then make a 3D model of it. We made a shed to go with our word problem because the roof that was being built was a right triangle. we used popsicle sticks and hot glue to make our model.

God Sightings


This weekend I worked on the village that we have been creating in my backyard. I had some friends from church come over and we worked for 3 hours straight. I saw God in the perfect weather that Sunday and through all the work we got done.

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Chain Lab


For science we had to make a chain that can hold a certain amount of wait also we get extra points if it is longer than everyone else’s. Ours is 5 feet long and can hold all the wait.

Names Of Jesus


This week in bible we have been studying the names of jesus, The name I got to present was Rejected I learned that when jesus first came into the world people did not really think that he was the messiah they called him a fake and rejected him they thought he was just another prophet […]

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Science Boat


We made our boat so that it would catch a lot of air to make it go fast. Our boat got second place having a time of 9.20 (nine seconds and twenty mili-seconds) We adjusted our boat after testing it many times on the runway. The boat floats on 2 Styrofoam slabs that are shaped […]



This summer I went on a mission trip to Costa Rica. We visited a school there and loved on the little kids, we also did adventure activities such as Zip lining, White water rafting, and Hiking. We walked through the jungle and visited a volcano. It was super cool. Also this summer I got my […]

Video de Conservar Energia


Proyecto Final


¿Quien soy yo? Las amazonas me impactó porque a mi me interesa a la naturaleza y él creacion de Dios esta tema era divertido pero también triste porque los madereros estaban cortando toda la selva pero también era muy bueno para la economía, Vi que esta tema era una historia de las diferencias entre personas, […]

Proyecto de Costa Rica


Boat Trip


Things that I learned: I learned that there are 3 different kinds of lakes Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic and Eutrophic they are all different levels of natural particles in a lake. There are many different invasive species in lake Michigan there are some that are getting so bad that they could take over the lake and its natural animals and plants. I also […]

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  El proseso de de una micro empresa esta simulado en el foto ariba. Primero, Piensas en una idea para tu microempresa. Segundo, Luego consigues un préstamo. Tercero, Por lo tanto compra tus necesidades. Cuarto, Entonces escoja un lugar para vender tus cosas. Quinto, Por eso ponga tus cosas para vender. Sexto, Al fin y al cabo ¡atraca atención para vender!

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Reaction to Invictus


What I learned I learned that lots of people feared the black people because they thought that their nation was becoming to powerful.  They arrested many people and killed others out of fear. The black peoples living conditions where so much worse than the whites, I felt that if the people of that time knew christ then […]

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