chloe's blog

my school stuff

Day #3 of bridge project


We started building the actual bridge today and its going pretty well. We are probably going to get this done soon and have many toothpicks to spare.

Day #2 of bridge project


We have the base almost done, it is layered with toothpicks for extra support. tomorrow we are ready to start actually building the bridge.

Day #1 of bridge project




We got part of the base built, the sides are being covered in multiple layers of toothpicks for the strongest support. One of our group members (christian) managed to blow all the toothpicks off the table.

God at Work


God helped prepare Paul through his whole life. Paul may have been a persecutor of christians but he had many life expiriances that helped him be a great apostle. He had a Roman and Jewish citizenship so he could preach to many people around the world. He was also a tent maker and could pass to be a trader. Paul knew many languages also. Having all these gifts Paul served God faithfully.

Just like Paul God has been shaping me too. I have some gifts and talents that can help me in the future. I can speak spanish which helps me communicate with a wide range of people. God has been shaping me and I am exited to learn more. Being in Costa Rica also shaped me and exposed me to more diverse culture.



Christian persecution


Christian persecution is a major issue is so many countries. It spreads through counties like a plague and rips apart families leaving some completely dead. I think that this problem needs to stop, why can other religions worship freely and not Christianity? Christians have been persecuted in the past and are being persecuted in countries today, such as, India, However there are things we can do to help these christians.

In India Christians were persecuted by the Hindu religious groups. They are also persecuted by muslims. The Hindus think that Christianity is like a plague. They will not tolerate Christians and are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Hindus will come into homes of Christians and burn them down they will also murder anyone who does not deny their faith and join them. Many people were burned for all to see. It was a message that said “If you do not join you die” . Most christians were persecuted if they tried to get others to join the secret churches or if they had a bible. People in India who are Christians are in great danger. The churches are most often held underground for fear that people will find them. Bibles are often smuggled in by pastors, but the results are deadly, A pastor who is caught smuggling bibles will surely die. In the past the Indian people had barely any Christianity, They were scared at the thought of a new religion and decided to destroy it. India has been changing over the years but it’s still mostly the Hindu religion. In ancient times the Hindu would take Christians prisoner and have them as the entertainment at their parties, they would beat them and jeer at them until they died.

In the present day persecution Christianity has grown a lot. People do not often get burned anymore but can be shot. Hindu is still the main religion and  churches get burned a lot but that does not stop the Christians. Churches often take place in the basement of a home or in an abandoned building where the police will not find them. Most families are Hindu which means that when a family member becomes a Christian they will be persecuted by their own family, possibly even killed. India is number 15 on the world watch list, which means it is a county that is super high on Christian persecution. Missionaries have gone back and forth from India but some never return. Persecution in present day India is horrible and cruel. Many families suffer from being persecuted and are forced to give up and join the Hindu religion. Some families try to leave the country but many cannot afford the trip.

People today are helping persecuted Christians around the world. People pray and others donate to ministries that help people. Shelters are often given the item people donate and it really helps the people. You can do lots! You can give money to organizations, Donate things to missionaries and pray. Praying may not seem like you are doing a lot but you are! Persecuted Christians need our help and we can help. Many people think that it is super hard and impossible to help but it’s clearly not. You don’t have to travel and visit them, you can pray for them or have your church pray for them.

Christians have been persecuted in the past and are being persecuted in countries today, such as, India, However there are things we can do to help these christians. Pray. That is what you can easily do. Persecuted Christians need or help and we can do it. India is only one example of a country in need and there are many more.







This is our volcano project. The volcano that we chose was volcano Cotopaxi, it is one of the tallest  volcanoes in the world that our active. The 10 things we chose to include are bombs, ash, cinder, vent, side vent, pipe, magma, magma chamber, lava flow, creator. And because we had some extra time we decided to make a small town because a hundred years ago it erupted and killed a small village. Are process was we put stripes of cardboard down and the paper mache it, then we painted over top of it and made the lava flow.


Christian Persecution in India


This month we did a Christian Persecution project. We got to learn about the country India. It is currently number 15 on the world watch list for persecution. We learned about many people and how Christians are persecuted. The screen shot above is of our video.

L.A Mystery


Chloe Vanderveen

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

17 February 2017  
It all started outside the general store on main street. A man in a hooded mask walked into the store, he had no money but he was suspiciously looking at the glass cases that had just come in, the cases where holding rare jewelry that was to be shipped off the next day. Being expensive jewelry the store clerk eyed the man suspiciously, though not questioning him. Having to answer a call the store clerk stepped into the back room, the room had no way of seeing the store and the call went for about 10 minutes. When he returned just minutes later the glass cases lay shattered on the floor and the jewelry gone. The clerk ran to the back of the store and pressed the red emergency button that was flashing red. It took the police a moment to arrive at the scene and the store clerk was growing nervous. The police hurried in through the back door, five of them total, all though the clerk swore he saw a sixth officer come in through the front door and make a left toward the back room. As the police checked the store one of them questioned the clerk of what he had seen before the crime was committed. He made sure to get every detail. As the police left they told the store owner they had found no evidence except the shattered glass. They explained they were taking it for fingerprint check just to make sure the man who he had seen matched the prints on the glass. At midnight calls all over the town where coming in to the police station. Apparently the mystery man had not only robbed the store but many homes all over town, people only seeing flashes of him. At 12:00pm exactly a call came in about a kidnapping. The general store soon forgotten the police hurried down to the home. The children’s parents were hurriedly talking to the police. The couple had two children, a girl about 10 years old and a son who was just turning 6 next week. The police jotted down all the notes on a pad. As they searched the house they found a strip of cloth. It was black and had a button sewed to one side. As the police searched the bedroom they found that there was a small crawl space hidden by a panel in the closet. When the police asked the parents for details they could not give any, they had been unaware of the crawl space when they moved in last month. After thinking for some time the police asked the family who had owned the home before, they replied that the man who owned the general store had sold the house in order to buy one closer to his store. Just as they were about to leave they hear a scream of a neighbor crying for help. Soon all the neighbors were awake and the police tried to calm the scared Mrs. Figg who lived nextdoor. She said she was asleep when she heard her dog barking angrily she had run downstairs just to see someone jump out her back window. The police searched her yard but only found a small indent in her lawn outside her window. The police returned to the general store questioning the store clerk about the house he had sold. He looked surprised when the police mentioned the crawl space and said that bedroom had always been a spare and his parents had owned it before him. He seemed to know very little about the crawl space and its uses. He did tell the police that the door to the basement had been knocked down when he moved in and that there was a small passage under the house that led upwards. He had never put much thought into it but did think it could lead to the panel entrance. The police returned to search the house where the children had been stolen they unhinged the panel from the wall revealing a small staircase going down. They followed the narrow tunnel discovering a newly broken step.  It was clear that someone had been there recently. When the stairs ended they heard a rustling in the corner pointing their lights there they say a broken rope lying in the corner. Realizing that a family of rats was the only thing there they advanced down the tunnel. The police found that after some walking they must have walked for at least 3 miles. They found another panel at the end of the tunnel. The police creaked it open so they could peer inside. 2 men one with a ripped button shirt and a fake police badge was sitting in a chair at the front of the room. A second man faced the other direction so they could not see his face the police were about to enter when they heard a cry from the back end of the room. The children were tied there and crying in fear. The police watched as the man sat at the desk writing. They made the decision of bursting in. The man at gunpoint the police safely escorted the children from the store. After the man had put up a huge fight the police managed to strap him into a police car. They had a lead on what had actually happened. The general store manager had teamed up with the man who had pretended to by a police officer to kidnap the children in order to earn a little money. The ransom would have given them quite the money. That lead still left out the second man that was found in the back room of the store. The man had been forced by the other man who was pretending to be a police, to kidnap the children. He had actually been the one to steal the jewelry and thought he was being caught so he obeyed.






We where studying right triangles and had to create a word problem and then make a 3D model of it. We made a shed to go with our word problem because the roof that was being built was a right triangle. we used popsicle sticks and hot glue to make our model.

God Sightings


This weekend I worked on the village that we have been creating in my backyard. I had some friends from church come over and we worked for 3 hours straight. I saw God in the perfect weather that Sunday and through all the work we got done.

Chain Lab



For science we had to make a chain that can hold a certain amount of wait also we get extra points if it is longer than everyone else’s. Ours is 5 feet long and can hold all the wait.

Names Of Jesus


This week in bible we have been studying the names of jesus, The name I got to present was Rejected I learned that when jesus first came into the world people did not really think that he was the messiah they called him a fake and rejected him they thought he was just another prophet coming to tell them what to do. Even though jesus proved himself worthy to be called the messiah people instead rejected him.

Science Boat


Inline image 1

We made our boat so that it would catch a lot of air to make it go fast. Our boat got second place having a time of 9.20 (nine seconds and twenty mili-seconds) We adjusted our boat after testing it many times on the runway. The boat floats on 2 Styrofoam slabs that are shaped like skis. Is has a plastic cup that is glued to the styrofoam to be the base of the boat. There is a mast on top of the Tupperware cup  where we stuck a series of sales and wind catchers.  We made our boat to go fast and it does!



This summer I went on a mission trip to Costa Rica. We visited a school there and loved on the little kids, we also did adventure activities such as Zip lining, White water rafting, and Hiking. We walked through the jungle and visited a volcano. It was super cool. Also this summer I got my pet rabbit cookie she is nice and fuzzy. Cookie loves to nibble people and escape through a bunny sized hole in the wall. I spent a lot of time in a little indian village that we built and have fun collecting mushrooms in my woods. I have a bug collection and added 52 bugs this summer I also currently have 6 toads and a snake. I live on the pigeon river so I spent lots of afternoons kayaking and catching turtles. I had an awesome summer and hope next one will be just as good.

Video de Conservar Energia


Proyecto Final


Photo on 6-8-16 at 9.49 AM

¿Quien soy yo?

Las amazonas me impactó porque a mi me interesa a la naturaleza y él creacion de Dios esta tema era divertido pero también triste porque los madereros estaban cortando toda la selva pero también era muy bueno para la economía, Vi que esta tema era una historia de las diferencias entre personas, Cuando las indígenas decían que ellos tenían los derechos porque estaban allí primero Inmediatamente yo estuve en su lado, ellos no estaban destrozando la selva sino solo viviendo allí. Los madereros siguieron cortando la selva y las indígenas no estaban felices, pero también sé que los madereros necesitan el dinero. Digo que él creacion de Dios debe quedar vivo y que debemos proteger la selva.

¿Quien somos Nosotros?

Como las personas del mundo Dios nos dio el trabajo de cuidar a su creación y creo que las amazonas cuentan, creo que debemos ayudar proteger la selva para él bien del mundo. Creo que mucha vida está en la selva y que nosotros debemos ayudarlo. Nosotros somos personas para el mundo y debemos hacer lo que dice Dios sobre cuidar el mundo. No estoy diciendo que debemos ir a la selva y poner todos los madereros sin trabajo solo creo que proteger el mundo no es cortar todas las selvas. Dinero es importante a los Humanos pero… ¿Que es dinero? Dinero es solo una cosa que hicimos los humanos es..Papel! Entonces creo que la selva valora más que todo el dinero que podemos usar.


¿Quién es él?

Dios nos dio la selva, debemos protegerlo, para mi esta tema me enseño que muchas vidas dependen en la selva, Animales, Indígenas, Ganaderos, Caucheros, Ecologistas, Colonos y también los madereros. Creo que todas las personas deben parar lo que están haciendo y ver el mundo, La selva que él creó. Dios nos dio esta tierra y nos pidió protegerlo y creo que eso es que nosotros debemos hacer.


Llamada a la acción

  • ¿Cuáles resultados tangibles estarán presentes en tu vida, basados en estas respuestas?
  • ¿Qué es tu papel en la comunidad internacional con respecto a este tema?
  • ¿Cómo respondes a lo que has aprendido?


Creo que esta problema en las amazonas es mal pero todavía podemos protegerlo, todavía podemos ayudar a la selva y todavía podemos ayudar a brasil. Brasil no tiene un opción tienen que cortar la selva para la madera para vender, pero quizás podemos ayudarlos plantar más árboles y selva para que los animales y indígenas pueden tener un lugar seguro para vivir, Aprendí sobre todos los grupos de personas que necesitan la selva y creo que debemos tratar de conservarlo para el bien de los animales pero también para la personas que viven allí.



Un resumen de todo esto es que debemos proteger lo que Dios nos ha dado y debemos ayudar a brasil y su país para que pueden hacer esto. Las amazonas es un lugar muy interesante y creo que con un poco de determinación podemos proteger la selva y las personas que lo necesitan para vivir. También creo que la selva va a ser un buen lugar para aprender sobre él creacion de Dios.


Proyecto de Costa Rica


Boat Trip


Things that I learned:

  • I learned that there are 3 different kinds of lakes Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic and Eutrophic they are all different levels of natural particles in a lake.
  • There are many different invasive species in lake Michigan there are some that are getting so bad that they could take over the lake and its natural animals and plants.
  • I also learned how to mesure the conductivity of the water which was so cool.   

Things that made me wonder:

I wonder why we don’t take better care of our lakes because we have lots of the worlds fresh water but we let invasive species and garbage take it over. 

I also wonder why we measure the plankton in the water because they are soooo small.



Photo on 5-11-16 at 8.47 AM


El proseso de de una micro empresa esta simulado en el foto ariba. Primero, Piensas en una idea para tu microempresa. Segundo, Luego consigues un préstamo. Tercero, Por lo tanto compra tus necesidades. Cuarto, Entonces escoja un lugar para vender tus cosas. Quinto, Por eso ponga tus cosas para vender. Sexto, Al fin y al cabo ¡atraca atención para vender!

Reaction to Invictus


What I learned

I learned that lots of people feared the black people because they thought that their nation was becoming to powerful.  They arrested many people and killed others out of fear. The black peoples living conditions where so much worse than the whites, I felt that if the people of that time knew christ then why did they treat others the way they did? I found that rugby is vary violent and I would not like to play it, but it brought the two worlds together. 

Ways Mandela Was Wise 

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