Toothpick Bridge #2

Jade started off by making the 2nd base that would hold the bridge up. Me and Matthew finished the other side of the bridge platform and put more toothpicks across it to connect the sides together. Next Anna made the other side wall of the bridge. Matthew put standing toothpicks in the card board to hold the basses in place.

toothpick bridge #1

Anna started by making one of the two bases that would hold the bridge up. Me and Matthew glued a line of toothpicks together to make one of the sides to the bridge. Jade started making the walls of the bridge.

God at Work

God prepared Paul all his life, so that when the time came he was ready to teach about the kingdom of God. Paul had duel citizenship, being roman and jewish. Growing up Paul learned lots of different languages which helped him preach to many diffrent people.

God has blessed me with so many experiences and even gifts. He has blessed me with the experience of growing up in Africa. I know a lot about the culture and how every thing works in Africa. He has blessed me with my sister, who we adopted.

Persecution Project

Tanzania -12d54ip

In our group we did a presentation on the Persecution of Christians in Tanzania. We did this by telling other people how Christians are being Persecuted with posters and a keynote about Tanzania. We also had build a cross that people could wright a prayer and then we would nail it to the cross.


1. Ano Nuevo.


2. Navidad. México celebra las fiestas navideñas.


3. Día de la Revolución Mexicana. Esta fiesta mexicana oficial celebra la Revolución Mexicana de 1910.


4.  Domingo de Pascua. Es costumbre mexicana romper huevos llenos de confeti en la cabeza de amigos y familiares.





God Sightings

I saw God over the weekend when my grandpa brought over some honey comb that he found in the woods behind his house. I think that it is amazing that God has made bees with the ability to make a comb of honey with all the same shapes.

Names of Jesus

This week in Bible we have been studying different names of Jesus. We were each given a Bible verse and had to find a name in the verse that could be used as a name for Jesus. The name that I found and chose the name Righteous and Victorious. I enjoyed the name that I picked, I felt that it represented Jesus’s divinity and humanity.

Boat Races Caleb Jack and Joe


In science we had to design boats with only materials that we were given. After we had built our boat we had to do 2 time trials. After the first trial we could make changes to our boat. Our boat was made out of straws that were use on the sides with a peace of foam in the middle used to keep it a float. The mast was made out of a pop-stick that was glued to the boat. The sail was made out of 2 pieces of index card glued together. The winning time for our boat was 7.71 seconds.