
Over the summer I did a lot of fun stuff. I hung out with some of my friends and did a lot of crazy stuff with them. Camping was one of the many things that I did over the summer. Of all the places I went camping my top two places I went would have to be Ludington state park and along side of the Muskegon river with my Grandpa and brothers and my sister. Some of the things I did with my friends was fishing, biking and doing dumb stuff. I had a lot of fun with my family. We took a trip up to Pictured rocks with my Grandparents from my dads side. I also went to the Howard Miller library and played on the computers with my brothers and sister. This summer I had a lot of fun with my family and friends. I hope that next summer will be as good as this one.

Boat Trip

– I learned that they do a lot of big test to find out more about the lake.
– I did not know how big the ecosystem was in the lake
– I learned that there were plankton in the lake, I thought that plankton were only in saltwater.


I liked that the movie really showed what parts of Africa looks like.
When the team went and played with all of the little kids. And even tho they did it to get it as a part of the movie, the kids still got to do something that would not happen very often.

hunting the elements

I really enjoyed the video that we watched. Out of all the things in the movie I liked the big table of elements and when they flipped over the little panel and had the element under it.
I learned that there are 118 different elements.
I did not know that sharks do not like being around rare earth metals.
I learned that three-quarters of the elements are metal.

Sparta life

My life is easy at times some may say. I start training to fight at age 7 with all the other boys and girls. We train in boxing, wrestling, foot racing, and gymnastic. The boys lived and trained in barracks. We were taught to be tough and not show pain and at times to steal. A long time ago my friend told me that he heard that a boy had taken a fox and hid it in his shirt and it bit him in the stomach that must of hurt a lot but we are told not to show pain or we would be wiped. Women were treated well and were allowed to talk to men in public and could sell goods in the marketplace and were allowed to remarry if there husband was gone too long. The money we used was hard to carry around because it was iron rods.

Egypt Project

For the past few weeks me and 3 others have been working on a project called the Egypt Project if you may or may not know that by now. Our team is doing a mini museum presentation on stable food supple and technology. For one of the mini exhibits on technology henry and his dad made 2 small wooden boats that we used to show how the Egyptians transported goods, foods, and even 1 ton blocks.


Right now in math we are doing algebra. I’m doing multiplication equations, witch looks like this 7x = 21
and how you do this is you divide 21 by 7 and that is 3 so x = 3. This week its been hard for me to do it this way when I could just do it this way 21 / 7 = 3 x = 3.
7 / 7/x = 21 / 7
x = 3