10-5 Weekly Up Date

October 5, 2018

Dear Mom ,

This week was Fun because we got to do band .

I saw God at work this week in band because when I was squeaking a lot  and he helped me . In math, we are learning how to round fractions and estimate . I feel good about MATH and because rounding fraction are not easy to do and and estimating  . For my opinion topic, I am writing about should girls be allowed to play football . My favorite special this week was gym because we got to play soccer . One last thing,is reading because we are doing background knowledge,  text clues, and inference .





Note from Mrs. Hall

Happy October! This week, in Bible we began a new unit about God’s covenants- and specifically focused on the covenant with Adam and Eve, and Noah. In math, we wrapped up our unit 1 skills and will begin review for our test on adding and subtracting fractions next week. In Social Studies, students are investigating why Europeans were “forced” to explore around the world. We picked topics for opinion essays and began researching reasons for and against. In reading, I am testing each student individually and will continue next week. In science, students are analyzing data to predict future effects of zebra mussels on a lake. We are revisiting routines often, as we have begun to hit the point in the year where everyone feels comfortable with one another… and becomes very social! I am praying for each of your children’s learning and friendships, and am eager to continue to build my relationship with each of them individually. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

All School Chapel, Tuesday, October 9 at 9:00 AM

-No bus or hot lunch on Friday, October 12

-Support your child in recording their reading minutes every night in their oranger folder for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

-Unit 1 Math Test next week Thursday or Friday (will decide based on needed review)

-No October field trip- we decided to postpone the planetarium until March to align with our new science curriculum


Memory verse due Friday, October 5: Psalm 46:1-6
Verse 6: “Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.”

You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night

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