
Dear Mom,

Tell your parents what you are going to write about, and the five sub points you came up with. I am writing about Gareth Bale.

Explain to your parents how you figured out the “mystery powders” in your science lab. we did experiments to find out what they were.

Tell your parents in at least 3 sentences, what your favorite part of the week was! it was band because the saxophone players got a new song to play. In music we got to learn about the orchestra  and what family the are in. When I did my Bible memory  I got 10 out of 10.

Good Day, and Happy Friday! Love Darvi

Another week has drawn to a close, and it has been another busy week academically. Mr. Hutt is in the middle of his marketing unit, and I have heard from a few kids how much they are enjoying it! Mr. Hutt is also in the 4th unit with his Math class dealing with multiplication, and I am drawing toward the end of unit 3, on fractions. Besides the usual grammar and spelling activities we cover in Language Arts, we just began our next major writing piece, informational text. They are currently trying to narrow down a list of things they feel they know a lot about. Once they choose their topic, they will decide what to include in their piece on the topic. They appear to be excited about writing on something they already know lots about. In Bible class, we are continuing on with the Jews return to Israel, and the rebuilding of their Temple. We also are touching on the relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans. In Science class, we are drawing to a close our unit on matter and the differences between chemical and physical changes. The class spent two days in lab this week trying to identify 5 “mystery powders”. A good challenge for all!

Hoping you are enjoying the last of our mild temperatures before the bottom drops out of the thermometer this weekend. We were reminded of the policy that the kids are required to go out for recess, unless a teacher specifically has something for the students to do. I say this only to please make sure your son or daughter has all they need to keep warm while they are outside. I am amazed as I go out and shiver during my recess duty how many kids are out there with only a fleece, and no hat or gloves! I also realize that they might have the hat and gloves in their lockers, but choose not to wear it, often because they race out the door to get as much recess time as possible! 😉

Quick reminder if you are going to donate some toiletries for the Philippine students, the new due date is next Wednesday. If possible, please have them in a Ziplock bag that is a 2 gallon size or smaller. Thanks so much.

On a personal note, we found out yesterday that my son and his wife are going to have a boy the first week of June! Nice to know that Jeff is not the last Keyser in the family tree! God is good, all the time! Jeff says Mom and baby are doing great and both growing!  🙂

Hoping and praying you are all doing well, and that you have a great weekend! Paul Keyser

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