Weekly up date

Tell your parents about your trip to the planetarium. Give them at least 3 facts that you learned.

It was fun and lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse.

What was your favorite part of the week(besides going on break today)!  going on the trip to the planetarium.

Good morning!

I hope you excited about spring break! I’m looking forward to a bit of family time. Kathy and I are going to The Ark and the Creation Museum in Kentucky, and then I am going to be helping my son get his nursery ready for the June arrival of our first grandchild!

We took a trip to the planetarium this week, and it was very enjoyable for some, and pretty boring for others. My feeling is, if there are 10-15 kids in our group that were fascinated by it, then it is a worthwhile trip. That coupled with the material they saw, ties in nicely with our study of the solar system in science! Mr. Hutt is moving toward the Revolutionary War in social studies with the first shots being fired at Lexington and Concord! The kids seem to be very interested in it. In Math, the kids will be once again switching teachers after spring break. The kids I had will be continuing on long division and it’s real world applications. The other class is in the middle of the chapter on measurement and geometry. In Bible, we are continuing on with the early life of Christ. In ELA, the students finished up with their informational writing pieces, and will be starting personal narratives after break. I gave the kids a break this week with no spelling or Bible memory verse. They were given a new verse, but will have until the Friday after break to recite it. They should be practicing the first 3 verses of Ephesians 2 over break.

Below, you will see a letter from Mr. Nagelkirk about the availability of sports physicals for 5th graders. If you even think your son or daughter might be interested in sports, then please take advantage of these inexpensive physicals.

Hoping and praying that you have a great week with your kids! Blessings to you all, Paul

Hello 5th Grade Parents,

Below you will find the Sports Physical Sign-Up that will take place at City on a Hill on April 20 for $10.  This will be needed if your child plans on playing a sport during the 2019-2020 school year.  If this date does not work, then you can also have the Physical done at Holland Christian, or by your doctor at any time before the first practice.

Below you will see the list of sports that your child may participate in next year as a 6th grader:
Fall: (Sept.-Oct.)
– Boys and Girls Cross-Country at Holland Christian
– Girls Tennis at Holland Christian
Early Winter: (Nov.-Dec.)
– Girls Swimming and Diving at Holland Christian
– Girls Cheer at Holland Christian
Late Winter:(Jan.-Feb.)
– Boys Swimming and Diving at Holland Christian
Spring: (April-May)
– Boys Tennis at Holland Christian
– Boys and Girls Track at Zeeland Christian

ZCS Sports Physical Sign-up Link:

Holland Christian Schools athletic department will offer athletic physicals for the 2019-2020 school year on Tuesday, April 30, from 6:30-9:00 at Lakeshore Health Partners South Washington facility. The cost is $15 and signups will once again be online through SignupGenius. Stay tuned for more details.

Joel Nagelkirk
Athletic Director
Zeeland Christian School