
Tell your folks about our new 500 class pets! The class pets are worms.

What was your favorite part of the week? Marching in band.

What is your Personal Narrative about? It is about florida.

Happy Friday!I hope you are all looking forward to the 8th grade “Fun Night” tonight. I have heard that it is a great time for family and friends. I will be batching it as Kathy, our daughter, and Kathy’s sister are leaving for North Carolina today to see the brand new baby niece. Won’t be long before the family there will be making the trip back here this June to see our son and daughter in law’s impending bundle of joy!! So excited to be grandparents.Academically, we have had a good week. Mrs. Keyser has the kids about ready to finish their rough drafts of their Personal Narratives, and I have read most of them, and they are going to be good! We just switched our math classes, and I am beginning the unit on measurement and geometry, while Mr. Hutt is beginning the unit on problem solving, word problems, and solving one step equations. In Bible we just finished up with the early life of Christ. The class found this one of the most interesting units we have covered and discussed so far this year! In social studies next week, the students will finish up Unit 6, The American Revolution. They have been working on setting up a walking tour of the Revolutionary War. He will shoot an email home with specifics inviting you to tour the Revolutionary War! In science, we are in the first few days of our “Round and Round” unit on the energy cycle, or how energy originating in the sun makes its way to all living things. We planted some seedlings and will be measuring the mass of the plants after they are grown. We’ll then discuss where the added mass of the plant got there! We also have about 500 new “class pets”. We will be forming a composting pile, and we have a bucket full of Red Wigglers that the kids are finding either fascinating or terrifying, depending on their view of worms! The class spent some time with our pre-school buddies yesterday building boats out of recyclable materials. Thanks once again to Lisa Klamer for having us down!I would like to fill you in on something that has weighed on my hear this week. We have had a number of minor incidents where the kids have been less than respectful to each other. It is not class wide, but it is more than just a couple of kids. We discussed 1 John 4:19-21 yesterday: “We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”   My point in bringing it to their attention was that if we profess to love our Lord, then it is hypocritical to then be mean, disrespectful, or condescending to our classmates. God makes it very clear in the above passage that we can’t do both, love him and yet hate our brothers and sisters in Christ(classmates). I would ask that you reinforce this at home, and periodically ask them if things are getting better. Thanks so much!I pray that you will all have an enjoyable and safe weekend! With His love, Paul

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