Consumption Challenge #3

I chose to do cold showers. On Saturday was my first day of taking cold showers and it was hard. I could not stand being in the shower with all of the cold water. The water felt like ice and I could not be in the shower for a long time, but I did make and I did not turn it to hot water at all. I kept it to cold water the whole time. It easy but tough.

Day #2 Consumption Challenge

I chose not to take a cold shower yesterday. I really did not want to be cold in the shower. It is harder than it looks but I will do it. I am gonna take a cold shower today. I hope that it is not colder than it people say it is.

Conspicuous Consumption Challenge

Last week the 7th-grade classes watch a video called living on one dollar a day. The video is about when these four American guys went to Guatemala to do a challenge to live on one dollar a day for 56 days. because families in Guatemala don’t have as much as us. So all of the 7th-grade classes are doing a challenge called the Conspicuous Consumption challenge. And were are doing a Challenge, I am gonna do cold showers for 1 week. It is gonna be challenging because I never take cold showers at all and it will hard. I chose it because it is the easiest one but it is challenging.