Bible Exams – 8 Themes

Sinai Law 

The Sinai law is a law that we follow. The ten commandments are a covenant with God. God said, “I will be your God but part of being my people is to obey my commands.” The commands are laws that we need to protect ourselves. To me, the meaning of the ten commandments is like a life jacket that keeps us safe. The commandments keep us safe from sinning, from harm, and other things. If we don‘t follow the commands that God gave us we may be in danger of drowning. We may swim, or live life ok for a while, but when storms in life come and we get tired, we start to sink. Just like when you don‘t wear a life jacket you may be able to swim for a while but then you drown. And there are other things today that we follow instead and sometimes they lead to trouble like: electronics, money, sports, fame, and other things. Those are things that we follow and forget to follow the commandments that God gave us.  It’s not bad to like those other things, but you don’t want to get so attached to them that you forget the most important thing: following God and His commandments. 


Conflict And Doubt 

Conflict and doubt is a hard thing to go through. In the Bible, Jacob went through hard times when he had problems doubting God. He wrestled with God. It can be hard to trust God when we can’t see the future or when we don’t understand why He lets some bad things happen. Sometimes it is hard for me to trust him. I just want to know if he is going to do something I think is right or wrong in my future. God knows that we will go through times of doubt and questioning, but I believe that He will surround us with the right people to help us through.  I have a lot of conflicts and doubt at my age; sometimes with my family, sometimes God, and sometimes my friends. I’m figuring things out and I know that God will always stay faithful even when I doubt. I know that He will guide me if I keep talking to Him. 





Slavery And Salvation 

In the Bible, Joseph got sold into slavery by his brothers yet he still helped his family to survive the famine. Joseph did not have to help his brothers after what they did to him. Moses was the prince of Egypt yet he leads his people out of slavery to freedom. Moses did not have to do that. People intended to be mean and harm others but God changed it and made it right. I think that slavery is not right and people harming others is wrong and I am glad that God has a plan of salvation and is changing that. God wants us to trust him even if things are tough. He is faithful and unchanging today in the present just as He was for Joseph and Moses.



Sent To The Promised Land

The promised land was a place that the Israelites would have everything and have to trust in God. When the Israelites were on their way to the promised land, God sent Manna and quail. The Israelites had a hard time trusting God during their journey. It was hard for them because they did not know if he was gonna do the right or wrong things for them. Examples of when the Israelites had to trust God. When the Israelites crossed the red sea they needed to trust that he would hold the waters when they cross. They needed to trust God that he would provide food for them. And that He would guide them to the promised land. In each instance, the Israelites had to trust in God during hard times. My example is that I need to trust God during Covid and he will bring us through it.




God asked Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to follow his call to a new land. He promises to make them a great nation and he shows them sand and stars as a picture of how many descendants they’ll have. God still calls his people today to listen to his holy spirit, talk to christens friends, and trust and obey God. An example for me is when God wants me to meet new friends at youth groups. God wants me to talk to them and get to know them. He wants me to step out of my comfort zone even if I don‘t want to. God has a plan for me, and I trust Him even when He wants me to do something uncomfortable or scary. 




The people could not keep the Sinai covenant so God offered a new covenant. The new covenant would be written on their hearts and not need sacrifices since Jesus was the sacrifice. The Sinai covenant is different from the Davidic covenant. Jeremiah gave the new covenant that was based on God‘s grace and forgiveness. Isaiah gave many pictures of the savior. I think that the people should have followed the Sinai covenant. With the new one, it said there would be no more sacrifices since Jesus was it. I like the new one because it is written in our hearts and there would be no more sacrifices. But the people should have followed the old one in the first place.


Salute to a King 

 The cycle of judges. 1. people sin 2. enemies exile 3. cries to God so he would send a judge. Everyone did as they saw fit, looked at others, and wanted to be like them. Do we do what culture wants or God wants? I do ‘t think that we do what God wants all the time. An example is if you don’t do what God wants you to do you will have consequences. Kinda like the consequences the judges had.






A covenant is a deal, oath, and promise. A relationship and agreement between the two groups is a covenant. Obey = blessing and disobey = consequence those are kinds of covenants that you make. Conditional if you do this then I will do this. Unconditional God keeps his promise no matter what. If you don’t follow the covenants that God has, then you will have serious consequences. An example of a covenant is if you make a covenant or promise and if you do ‘t keep it then you will get serious consequences for breaking your promise. You should always keep your promises no matter what.