Persecution In Syria

My group and I were assigned to study Christian persecution in Syria for Bible class.

Here are 3 facts about persecution in Syria, and a story.

  • Syria is ranked 15th on the world watchlist.
  • Christians who convert from Muslims are extreme targets because the government does not want a social upheaval.
  • About 638,000 people in Syria are Christians.

Here is a story about persecution.

Jaffar’s maimed leg throbbed as he sat awake in his room in the middle of the night. Exhausted from pain, frustration, and weeping, Jaffar finally fell asleep. It was then, he said, that he experienced an amazingly detailed dream. Jaffar said he dreamed that he was perched on a bridge wide enough for only one. Just 45 days into his contract Jaffar was injured in a mortar attack and forced broken in body and spirit he spent the next few months and during both physical and emotional pain leading to his late-night encounter with the man in white. Friends noticed how much he had changed even his manner of speaking and he soon led to of them to Christ if I was afraid of his father who had often beaten him with a hose but in 2016 he knew it was trying to tell him about conversion to Christianity. He started telling his father that he has been attending church and the man in his dreams was Jesus Christ.  

I think that persecution is wrong anf that it should not be allowed. People who are Christians should not be killed just becouse they believe in God. Everyone has their own rights and oppinos about who they should believe. And people who dont agree should not do bad things, to have others beleive in what they believe.