Weekly Blog

Describe to your parents the theme of Chapel this week. To be nice

What was your favorite part of the week? Marching in band it was really fun.

Good Morning, and Happy Friday!Two more Friday’s with this wonderful group of kids! Going to be sad saying goodbye to them, but I am very excited to have them again in two short years! It has been a very busy week, with quite a few positive interruptions. The biggest has been the NWEA’s Measure of Academic Achievement assessment. We completed the math portion on Wednesday, and I am very pleased with how they did as a whole. Over half of my homeroom did better than the national 5th grade average. The rest were close to it, but just below the mark. Today, we take the language arts portion of it, and Wednesday the reading portion. We also had the final Chapel and Family Group gatherings yesterday, the field trip Monday, and Officer Breucker in on Wednesday talking about making positive choices. So, to some degree the regular classes have taken a back seat to all the special activities. I have included a few pictures from Monday’s field trip to Calvin’s chemistry presentation. A good time was definitely had by all! Very informative and exciting demo put on by three of Calvin’s chemistry professors!As for academics, Mr. Hutt is concentrating on different types of comparison problems, equations, parentheses, and multistep word problems in math, and in social studies the kids will be focusing  on the compromises that were made at the Constitutional Convention and the role federalism plays in our Constitution. My math class is going further with area and perimeter of irregular figures. Our science classes are making a class composting pile, and are delving more deeply into food chains. In Bible class we are studying more about how Christ had a servant mentality while here, and how we can be more like him in our day to day lives, especially here at school. In ELA, we are spending quite a bit of time on reading activities and finishing up their personal narratives. They are coming along very impressively. Yesterday was a milestone of sorts for my family. My son Jeff, turned 30. He’s about to become a Dad at the same age that Kathy and I had him. We are so very excited to see what God has in store for the parents to be and their first week of June baby boy! The kids loved it when he came in and so they wanted to make him a big birthday card, also attached below. He is going to try to come in one more time before the end of the school year! Have an incredibly Blessed weekend! Paul





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