Weekly Up Data

November 16th, 2018


This week was great because we got to make clay leaves in art.


I’m looking forward to next week because it is thanksgiving break


One thing we are doing in Mr. Keyser’s class(besides getting candy) is In science we are learning about the metal when we put margarine on it and put a candle under it to see how long it takes for the margarine  to melt.


From the desk of Mr. Keyser

My third week is drawing to a close, and I finally feel very comfortable in my new role as your child’s 5th grade teacher. Mr. Hutt has been invaluable in his help and support over these three weeks. He has truly helped me feel very much at home here at ZCS! After 3 weeks, I am starting to really get to know my 16 students extremely well. I truly believe that we have a very strong working relationship, which will help strengthen my ability to teach as we go forward. I still can’t get over what an incredible group of students we have in the 5th grade. This also applies to the immersion classes. When we meet in our community groups, I get a chance to see some of the rest of the 5th grade. It should be reassuring as parents to hear that about the group of students that your child is going through school with! That speaks to your parenting skills, as well as the school you have decided to put your trust in for educating your son or daughter! As we quickly come to the Thanksgiving break, I am very thankful to have the opportunity to teach your kids, they have been a real inspiration for me. I also am thankful, and excited for my daughter’s wedding, the Saturday after Thanksgiving! I’ll probably include some pictures in my post after the wedding! Hope you have an incredibly Blessed weekend!

Mr. Keyser


PS I am going to try to do my blog like this with the kid’s blog included above. I noticed that Mrs. Hall did it this way, and it seemed an effective way of getting my message out with the student’s messages.


PSS  We are donating items to the Parkview Home and Harvest Stand Ministries. Items such as: toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, shampoo, toilet paper, paper plates and cleaning supplies may be dropped off in the hallway during the next week.

10-2 Weekly Up Data

Dear, Mom This week was so much fun! because my class and I got to meet our new teacher and he is so much fun and he is so nice and  funny my class and I will have so much fun! with our new teacher.

On Thurday the fifth grade classes had a S.S  presentations to the King and Queen of Portugal and it was so much fun.

On Friday it was grand parents day and I had so much fun with my grand parents.

And I can’t wait tell the next week for more fun With Mr. Keyser and that is our new teacher.




10-19 Weekly Up Data

October 19, 2018

Dear Mom,

This week was awesome because I got to play my clarinet in band .

The best part of my week was specials . I am reading Real Friends and it is about a girls who wants to be in a group like the other girls . In Science,we finished our letter to congress about zebra mussel . Also what  I want to tell you more about me and my family and cousin and grandpa and grandma are gonna go out for pizzas this weekend!




Note from Mrs. Hall

Thank you for your patience, as I was out two days this week. In math, we began our next unit on decimals. Also, we created two math groups by joining Mr. Hutt’s class, and each group will move at a pace best for your child. In Bible, we worked to understand the covenants God made with David and the Nation of Israel- we will be wrapping up this unit next week. We worked on adding evidence to support our claim for our opinion essays. In reading, we finally finished reading assessments! In science, students wrote their letter to Congress about taking action to protect our Great Lakes from zebra mussels. In social studies student groups have been researching a couple of different explorers, thier routes, their reasons for exploring, and their exploration needs. Students will be presenting their “sails” pitch to the King of Portugal or the Queen of Spain in the next few weeks. Have a blessed weekend.  — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Conferences Oct. 22-23

-Grand Parents Day is November 2. Find important information here.

-No School Oct. 24, 25 and 26


NO Memory verse due next week because of no school
Please use this extra time to review Psalm 46:1-7

You can find strategies and the entire memory passage here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

10-12 Weekly Up Data

October 12, 2018

Dear Mom ,

This week was awesome  because I got to do band and it was so much fun and I learned a new song for my clarinet .

One way I used my words for good this week was for my soccer game  and I Encourage my team . In bible we are learning about Gods Covenants Godb said to Noah that I will never flood the whole earth ever again and the Symbol of a rainbow mean that he will keep his promise . We are taking our math test today and I am feeling not good . In Science, one solution to stop zebra mussels is to  wash boats to get the zebra mussels off.

I want to tell you more about my last soccer game this weekend!




Note from Mrs. Hall

What a week full of learning and wrapping up our first math uni! Today, students are taking their unit 1 math test on adding and subtracting fractions, and I feel so confident in the growth that they made. In Bible we worked to understand the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses and the nation of Israel and reviewed some of the 10 commandments. We worked on writing our claim and reasons for our opinion essays. In reading, I am still testing each student individually and will continue next week… I hope to be done by conferences so I have up to date information to share with you! In science, students analyzed solutions to stop zebra mussels and are beginning their final assessment in the form of a persuasive letter to Congress about the importance of protecting our Great Lakes. We are spending time discussing Ephesians 4:29, and how to use our words to build others up. This would be a great conversation to continue to have at home as well. Thank you for your support. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Conferences Oct. 22-23, please see the separate email about sign ups, sign up closes Oct. 17

Magazine Sale Packets came home on Wednesday

-No School Oct. 24, 25 and 26


Memory verse due Friday, October 19: Psalm 46:1-7
Verse 7: “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

You can find strategies and the entire memory passage here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

10-5 Weekly Up Date

October 5, 2018

Dear Mom ,

This week was Fun because we got to do band .

I saw God at work this week in band because when I was squeaking a lot  and he helped me . In math, we are learning how to round fractions and estimate . I feel good about MATH and because rounding fraction are not easy to do and and estimating  . For my opinion topic, I am writing about should girls be allowed to play football . My favorite special this week was gym because we got to play soccer . One last thing,is reading because we are doing background knowledge,  text clues, and inference .





Note from Mrs. Hall

Happy October! This week, in Bible we began a new unit about God’s covenants- and specifically focused on the covenant with Adam and Eve, and Noah. In math, we wrapped up our unit 1 skills and will begin review for our test on adding and subtracting fractions next week. In Social Studies, students are investigating why Europeans were “forced” to explore around the world. We picked topics for opinion essays and began researching reasons for and against. In reading, I am testing each student individually and will continue next week. In science, students are analyzing data to predict future effects of zebra mussels on a lake. We are revisiting routines often, as we have begun to hit the point in the year where everyone feels comfortable with one another… and becomes very social! I am praying for each of your children’s learning and friendships, and am eager to continue to build my relationship with each of them individually. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

All School Chapel, Tuesday, October 9 at 9:00 AM

-No bus or hot lunch on Friday, October 12

-Support your child in recording their reading minutes every night in their oranger folder for our school wide Book-It reading challenge

-Unit 1 Math Test next week Thursday or Friday (will decide based on needed review)

-No October field trip- we decided to postpone the planetarium until March to align with our new science curriculum


Memory verse due Friday, October 5: Psalm 46:1-6
Verse 6: “Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.”

You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night

9-27 Weekly Up Date

September 27, 2018

Dear Mom,

This week was fun because we got to play two ball soccer in gym .

I saw God at work this week in band when the fingering was hard to do . One way that Jesus taught me to pray is that there are all different name for God . In Social Studies we are a learning about zebra mussels . One more thing is  in reading I am reading Sisters and Brave they are both good books and they are graphic novels and graphic novels are so fun to read .

I want to tell you more about this weekend  that I am learning about the Biblical truths.




Note from Mrs. Hall

We had a busy week of NWEA MAP testing, but finished all our online assessments! Next week, I will begin reading tests individually with students in order to have an update on their reading level by conferences. This week, in Bible we finished our final Biblical Truths posters… we will be sharing them on our blog for you to see! In math, we are adding and subtracting fractions with uncommon denominators. In Social Studies, students will inquire into the salt and gold trade in Africa. We collected evidence for and against graphic novels to prepare for our opinion essays and continued recording questions as we read. In science, we are charting the cause and effect relationship of zebra mussels on the Great Lakes. Students explored countries flags in Spanish. God is showing us how to forgive one another and share the love He has for us with others. — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-No School Tomorrow

-Volunteers Needed for Lunch Coverage: Please consider covering one of our lunch periods so I am able to participate in a professional development to improve my reading strategy teaching. You can sign up here

-Book Order due TODAY. You can order here using the code: TRJHD

-Picture Day Monday, October 1

October Lunch Menu can be found here


Memory verse due Friday, October 5: Psalm 46:1-5
Verse 5: “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”

You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night… October starts our “Book It” reading incentive program. Look for more information to come home on Monday on how students can read for free pizza!

9-21 Weekly Up Date

September 21, 2018

Dear Mom,

This week was fun.  

I saw God at work this week math + because he help me when I was struggling . I am reading Evil Spy School . One question I have about my book is why did Ben get expelled from spy school . In science, we learned that zebra mussels clean the water and eat the elegy This is bad  because the animals need to be in dirty water and the elegy is food for them and if they don’t have food they will not live. A name for God I learned was Messiah .

Don’t forget that I love you.




Note from Mrs. Hall

We are finally settling into routines, and I have loved seeing students flourish in our classroom! This week, in Bible we began our final project that connects the 4 Biblical Truths with our own life and we get to worship with K-5 this afternoon! In math, we are adding and subtracting mixed numbers. We are webbing some “thick” questions by collecting evidence as we read. In Social Studies, students will continue in the unit, Three Worlds Meet by comparing some of the Native Americans that lived in North America before Columbus’ explorations.We dug deeper into the structure of opinion essays. See science note above. God is continuing to grow our minds and hearts each day, and we have even found some time for a few 10 second dance parties as we celebrate math! — Mrs. Hall


Important Reminders

-Volunteers Needed for Lunch Coverage: Please consider covering one of our lunch periods so I am able to participate in a professional development to improve my reading strategy teaching. You can sign up here

-Book Order due September 28. You can order here using the code: TRJHD

-Picture Day Monday, October 1- forms came home this week

-No School Friday, September 28

-MAP Testing continues next week- we will do Reading and Language


Memory verse due Thursday, Sept. 27: Psalm 46:1-4
Verse 4: “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.


Don’t Forget…

-Orange folder signed each weekend

-Bible Memory due each Friday

-Spelling test every Friday

-Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night