9-14 Weekly Up Date

September 14, 2018


Dear Mom,


This week was awesome .

The best part of my week was recess because I watch the intramurals it was fun watching the soccer games .In band we got to play hot cross buns it was so much fun playing hot cross buns.

We read opinion essays about zoos and I learned about zoochosis, I was really well.

One way I was a good friend this week was Playing with some who doesn’t have some on to play with and when they are lonely .


This weekend I am looking forward to Winning my soccer game.




Update from Mrs. Hall: We are so excited about our first field trip today to the Civil War Muster! I will share photos after our trip this afternoon via the class blog. In Bible we discussed two more biblical truths: “Sin caused disharmony between God’s image-bearers and the earth” and “Jesus died to restore harmony between God’s image-bearers and the earth.” In math, we have mastered comparing fraction by finding a common denominator and are beginning to examine fractions greater than one. This week in science we began our inquiry into “how organisms, such as zebra mussels, affect the Great Lakes” through observing a video about zebra mussels and a time-lapse dot map of zebra mussel growth. As a class, we began reading the novel, “Fish in a Tree” and are practicing asking questions throughout the reading process. In Social Studies, students will continue in the unit, Three Worlds Meet by comparing some of the Native Americans that lived in North America before Columbus’ explorations.We analyzed opinion essays to figure out what makes an essay convincing, focused on writing complete sentences, and practiced our spelling words. It was a busy week, but God is continuing to grow our minds and hearts each day!


  • Modified Hot Lunch for Sept. 21:


      • A – Chicken Nuggets w/Roll
      • B – Beef Fiestada
      • C – Soy Butter & Jam Sandwich w/String Cheese & Cheddar Goldfish
      • All meals served w/Green beans, Mandarin Oranges and Salad Bar


  • Please consider making a material donation for our current science unit. Sign up here. Thank you for those that have already donated!
  • MAP Testing begins next week, please review the letter here or look out for the paper letter that will come home Monday.
  • Don’t Forget:


    • Orange folder signed each weekend
    • Bible Memory due each Friday
    • Spelling test every Friday
    • Read 15 minutes and record in planner each night
  • Memory verse due Friday, Sept. 21: Psalm 46:1-3
    Verse 3: “though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” You can find strategies and the memory for the week here.